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04/13/2018.文藻外語大學第36屆全校運動大會 周守民校長閉幕致詞

發布日期 2018-04-13 19:00:00




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  謝謝你們今天精采的表現,整個體育場上歡樂的聲音,我們都聽到了。第36屆全校運動會經過一整天的激烈競賽後,終於圓滿閉幕,畫下完美的句點。我在這裡先恭喜所有在比賽中表現優異的同學以及班級, 恭喜你們!同時我也向所有投入今天盛會的全體教職員工及同學們,表達我衷心的感謝與敬意!


  當然寶貝們都知道,在所有的競賽中,有歡樂、也會有傷心。在過程中,相信每一位優勝者都是大家稱羨的英雄。但是,校長想和各位分享的是,還有一種英雄,他是在比賽中雖然落後,卻不會因此放棄、就算跌倒了,也要咬牙起身,依然堅強地向終點衝刺到最後的孩子們,他們同樣無愧於強者的稱號。同學們今天努力拼鬥的毅力,是運動家永不放棄的精神,同學們相互為對手的表現祝賀或致意的精神,也是運動家的胸襟,是勝不驕、敗不餒高尚品格的表現。比賽過程也不斷告訴我們努力不懈的基本態度,勝敗之間也不斷提醒著我們:在比賽中都有輸贏,失敗的挫折在運動家眼中是激勵自己也是讓自己努力前進的動力,這些都是參與運動賽事所賦予我們的教育意義。最後,我要說,今天運動會圓滿完成,是大家攜手成就的,感謝全程陪伴同學揮灑汗水的教職員工和老師們,感謝同學們的積極參與、出色發揮,讓第36屆文藻的運動會更形增添光彩也更是難忘的運動盛會。有你們的參與今天的運動會才更具有教育的意義,把文藻的傳統發揮地淋漓盡致,謝謝大家,也祝福大家平安喜樂! 天主保佑!同學在回家路上要小心!我們明年運動會再見!謝謝寶貝們!




Wenzao University of Foreign Languages 36th Annual Sports Day

President's Closing speech 

Dear students, faculty and staff members:

  Thank you for your a wonderful day. We heard all your fantastic cheering throughout the campus. After a full day of fierce competition, the thirty-sixth annual sports day, now officially draws to a close. It has been immensely successful and I hope that a great time was had by all. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone that was victorious today. Well done! I would also like to express my sincere appreciation and respect for all the staff who participated in today's event.

  Today was brilliant, I saw students competing at lightning speed in the 100-meter races, strong competitors in the high jump and the stoic endurance of the tug-of-war. It was exciting to watch the relay races and hear everyone’s shouts and cheers for their teams. It was wonderful to see the traditional Ursuline spirit and vitality, yet respect and empathy for those that did not come first.

  We all know that in such fierce competition, there will always be celebration, along with disappointment. Although, I do believe that every winner is a hero, however, the true heroes are those that never give up, even when they fall behind. They continue to clench their teeth and keep on fighting until the end. These competitors are equally worthy of praise and are all winners. As I watched all the students' perseverance, I admired great athletes that fought on and never gave up. It was also nice to see students congratulating each other; this is truly great sportsmanship and the virtue of a noble character. We must always remember to never give up and that in every competition there will always be winners and losers. The frustration of failure should be our driving force, which pushes us to work harder. We can learn a lot from each other through competition.

  In conclusion, I would like to say that today's Sports Day was extremely successful. Everyone worked together and supported each other. Thanks again to the teachers and staff for their hard work and time that they spent with the students and to everyone for their active participation and outstanding performances. The 36th Annual Sports Day will truly be a memorable one. We hope that you have learned a lot from this valued Wenzao tradition. Thank you! God bless you all! May you all be blessed with peace and joy! I hope you have a safe trip home and see you at the 37th annual Sports Day. Thank you all again!