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04/13/2018.文藻外語大學第36屆全校運動大會 周守民校長開幕致詞

發布日期 2018-04-13 13:30:00




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  文藻今年是我們第36屆舉辦全校運動會,希望藉由運動場上的公平 競爭,練習和比賽過程,促進師生彼此之間的情感交流,凝聚同為文藻人的向心力;運動賦予我們強健的體魄、堅韌的鬥志及昂揚的熱情。也提供一個展示自我、表現自我的平台。雖然各位同學為此必定付出很多時間與精力,但也學到團隊合作的寶貴功課,各班凝聚力得以增強,透過比賽的過程,學習公平競爭及尊重對手的難能可貴經驗。





Wenzao University of Foreign Languages 36th Annual Sports Day President’s Opening speech President’s Opening speech

  Distinguished guests, Alumni, Faculty and Students: Good morning!

  Thank you for taking time out to attend our Wenzao University’s Annual Sports Day, your attendance always makes it special and we very much appreciate everyone’s support. I always love to watch our lively and energetic students, who always bring such enthusiasm to the day. Their vitality and unlimited potential are Wenzao’s most precious assets!

  I would also like to thank the teachers and staff for their work and participation. I know it is your support and encouragement that the students appreciate most.

  Every year, Wenzao tries its best to organize a great school Sports Day. Today is the 36
th annual sports Day and Wenzao always tries to organize a fantastic event. We hope it will promote greater relationships between teachers and students. Students learn how to compete fairly, commit themselves to practicing for sports competitions and uniting as a cohesive force. These are all central to the values of our Ursuline education.  Sports give us strength, a tough spirit, great enthusiasm and a platform for self-expression. I believe you have all devoted a great deal of time and energy into this and will learn valuable lessons from working as a team. It is activities like these that bring classes closer together.  Cherish the lessons of fair competition and respecting your opponents.

  I hope all the students have great fun today! I know we will see some amazing young people and some excellent performances on the sports field. Please play safely and enjoy the experience. Today you are all our VIPs and I wish you success!

  Again, best of luck and have a wonderful Sports Day!