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UCAN大專院校職業興趣測驗說明。 UCAN Test help you understand your career and vocational interest.

發布日期 2016-05-02 00:00:00

諮商與輔導中心即日起開始推行「UCAN大專院校職業興趣測驗」。 本量表的測驗目的乃在於幫助學生了解自己職業興趣、生涯興趣或了解自己的職業能力現況為和,請同學依照下列步驟進行線上測驗。每位同學可以重複測驗,但只會記錄近4次的測驗結果。請依照你目前真實的狀態作答,這樣測驗結果才值得參考。

一、進入到文藻校務資訊系統 > 登入 > 左排[校務資訊] > UCAN大專院校就業




假如同學對於施測、帳號登入有遇到困難或疑問,或班級有需要申請UCAN班級輔導,請聯繫諮商與輔導中心 周珊汶老師(校內分機2276,100472@mail.wzu.edu.tw)



(登入畫面參考,施測請選中間三項《職業興趣探索》或《職能診斷》的《職場共同職能》。  觀看診斷結果請選最右邊《諮詢及診斷紀錄》)


Hello, fellow students!

The Counseling Center is promoting a career interest test, called "UCAN." The goal of the test is to help students understand their present career interest, assisting the student to decide a profession to take, or even to choose a vocation as a goal to improve himself/herself to meet the requirements of such profession. Every student can repeatly take the test over and over, but the system will only save the latest 4 test result. Please answer the questions according to your present mental status so that the test report would be more correspondent.

However, we apologize for that the test only has english version. Thus, if you are intrigued about this test, come to the counseling center and we would assist you to perform the test. 

If you have any question, please contact us.

(Phone numbers: 07-3426031#2276/ Email: 100472@mail.wzu.edu.tw)