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發布日期 2017-06-17 00:00:00








        古崇孝董事長、今年度的傑出校友楊少萍學姊、陳怡妗學姊和家人、高雄市文藻校友會吳俊民理事長、吳永寬副理事長、高雄市青創會林建芳理事長、本校日本實習機構代表大川原啟玄社長(Ohkawara yoshiharu sya cyou)及河堤社區發展協會各位主管、校內各位主管、各位貴賓、家長親友、以及今天的主角,各位親愛的畢業生,大家好,歡迎大家蒞臨今天的畢業典禮。





2017 Graduation Ceremony Speech

     Chairperson of Board of Trustees, Teresa KU, distinguished parents, guests and graduating students. Congratulations and welcome to today’s graduation ceremony. 


     First of all, I would like to thank you all for being here today. As parents, it must be an anxious time when you entrust a school with your children. You must let them go off and be independent, as they mature in their development and education. Today, with the hopes of a bright future and fortunate blessings, we see these children graduate. Today is also a historic one, as it is the first time our graduation ceremony was to be held outside, however due to the rain, it had to be moved indoors. I hope that it will be a day that you always remember.


     Since the establishment of the school, we have practiced respect for personal dignity, acceptance of individual differences, cultivating each student’s personal potential and the development of good ideals. We encourage our students to embrace multiculturalism and develop an international point-of-view. Here students attain professional knowledge and excellent language skills. Wenzao is one of Taiwan’s only foreign language universities and for the past 50 years it has been the only university in Taiwan that is completely focused on foreign language development. It exhibits a spirit of life, language and leadership. We also have a devoted faculty. Enthusiastic efforts also continue to be bestowed on us from the elders of the school. Over the last year, Wenzao has been distinguished with the following recognition and honors:


     In Cheers Magazine 2017 Best University Guides, Wenzao was ranked as
     * First in global perspective and foreign language proficiency among technical and vocational colleges.
     * First in greatest amount of overseas exchange student experience in South of universities.
     * Second in graduates being sought after by enterprises in Southern Taiwan.
     * Third in school with the most of foreign exchange students among technical and vocational colleges.


     In the 1111 Job Bank’s 2017 rankings of leading universities that are favored by businesses Wenzao was distinguished as first private university in southern Taiwan that employers were most satisfied with and out of 87 national and private technical schools, Wenzao also came first in the categories of communications and foreign languages.


     As Wenzao is Taiwan’s only foreign language university that also develops students’ international perspective, the school has become one of the most recognized institutions in the country. Over the years, the curriculum design and teaching focus has consistently been developed in order to better its foreign language and vocational education. I believe that you all now have the core competencies needed for your future careers. More importantly, you have the ability to bring your skills to the world and make Taiwan proud. With your international perception, in such a rapidly changing world, I believe you all will be competent, key players in the international community. 


     According to Global Views Monthly May Edition, the global trend this year includes an increasing web economy, cloud data management and storage and industry 4.0. In the article entitled, "Five seconds to decide if your future career will be replaced by a robot", it states that if a person can complete a task within five seconds, yet it includes a great deal of thought or decision-making skills, then there is a greater chance that artificial intelligence technology will partially or completely replace these jobs. It estimates that 50% of today’s jobs that are carried out by people could be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future. With such challenges being at the forefront, education must be geared to help its people overcome. A greater quality and higher class of education must assist students in finding opportunities to develop more complex and varied careers, which require a more knowledgeable, creative and cultivated workforce. Areas where this can be developed include the arts, technology and leadership. Education must also teach ways humans and computers can collaborate with new skills and work opportunities. The service industry also has the opportunity to expand and education can also focus on this type of training. Graduates also need to be mindful to not just seek out work because it is “stable” because "stability" often means simple and repetitive and therefore jobs that are at a higher risk of being replaced by a machine. These days understanding the past and being an excellent student is no longer enough. Continue to develop yourself through education in order to become a richer and more competitive person that will thrive in an era of innovation. Believe that God will never give us too much to deal with and that he will always be there to answer our prayers. Never be afraid of developing your own careers and never be afraid of failure. If you stand up to these challenges, you will learn more, have a greater future vision and be more resilient.


     I always call you the precious. It’s not just a word, it is a lifetime commitment to you. Today you are graduating and now with your acquired education you are ready to pursue your dreams. Whether you plan to continue your education, seek out employment or go abroad, you will sometimes encounter difficulties and setbacks. Through it all, remember you always have a home in Kaohsiung and at Wenzao. Always feel free to come and visit us. After graduation we hope you become like a kite and reach great heights. However, like all kites there is a string attached. We hope you will often come back and visit us. We also hope that you will join our alumni association and continue our great Wenzao legacy. 

     Finally, with our blessings we hope you can spread your wings of life and fly into a beautiful future. Always remember to have great courage when you deal with challenges that you meet along the way and never forget to create happiness in your lives. Once again congratulations to you all. God bless you!




         點閱人次: 文藻外大周守民校長,於畢業典禮上勉勵畢業生。 攝影/嚴清宏    文藻外語大學新聞稿 中華民國106年06月17日發稿 【供稿單位/校長室】         古崇孝董事長、今年度的傑出校友楊少萍學姊、陳怡妗學姊和家人、高雄市文藻校友會吳俊民理事長、吳永寬副理事長、高雄市青創會林建芳理事長、本校日本實習機構代表大川原啟玄社長(Ohkawara yoshiharu sya cyou)及河堤社區發展協會各位主管、校內各位主管、各位貴賓、家長親友、以及今天的主角,各位親愛的畢業生,大家好,歡迎大家蒞臨今天的畢業典禮。         我首先,要感謝在座的各位父母們,當年入學時,你們放心的把寶貝託付給文藻,幾年來孩子們在這裡學習、成長。今天我們的寶貝將帶著文藻全校滿滿的祝福畢業並邁向充滿希望與亮麗的未來。今天這場原本是文藻歷史上第一次戶外的畢業典禮,因為天候的關係又移到室內舉辦,雖然不如預期,希望也將成為各位畢業生永遠懷念的回憶。          文藻建校以來,本著「敬天愛人」校訓,力行實踐「尊重個人尊嚴,接受個別差異,激發個人潛能,為生命服務」的教育理想,全心培育我們的學生擁抱多元文化,開拓國際宏觀,具備專業知能與優秀之語言能力。文藻作為全台灣唯一的外語大學,一直稟持著三L:熱愛生命(Life)、樂於溝通(Language)、具有服務領導(Leadership)的精神,在全體教職員工生,以及畢業的學長姐的努力下,熱心辦學,在此特別向各位報告近一年來本校所獲的肯定及榮譽:  ◎Cheers快樂工作人雜誌2017最佳大學指南:    ★「具有國際觀與外語能力」公私立技職校院87所的第1名(連續八年獲此榮譽)    ★「赴海外交換學生人數」南區大學校院第1名    ★「企業最愛私立大學校院」南區第2名    ★「外國交換生人數」公私立技職校院第3名 ◎1111人力銀行「2017企業最愛大學評比」    ★「雇主最滿意大學」雲林地區以南私立科技校院第1名     ★「大眾傳播學群」全國公私立科技校院87所第1名     ★「外語學群」全國公私立科技校院第1名         做為全國唯一的外語大學,「具有國際觀與外語能力」一直是外界給予文藻辦學的最佳評語。而外語與專業的複合式教學更是我們課程設計與教學的重點。相信以各位在學校所培養的實力,未來一定能受到各企業主的肯定與讚許,我也深信各位已經具備未來發展所需的核心能力,以及更重要「立足台灣,放眼世界」的國際觀與企圖心。         現在網路經濟、雲端、工業4.0、大數據、AI機器人…,已成為全球趨勢,今年度5月的遠見雜誌,有一篇文章,標題是「五秒鐘原則決定你會不會被機器人取代?」,意指一項工作,如果人可以在五秒鐘以內的時間裡,對工作中需要思考和決策的問題做出相應決定,那麼,這項工作就有非常大的可能被人工智慧技術全部或部分取代。作者預估50%的人類工作會受到人工智慧的影響。而當人類面臨上述挑戰,教育體制必然會受到牽動。教育應開始關注涉及人機協作的新技能、新工作,並大力拓展服務業相關的人才培訓,同時整個教育體制應更多地關注素質教育和高端教育,讓每個人都有機會學習和嘗試各種更複雜,或更需要人類創造力的工作種類,培養更多元化的人才及各行業的專家;因此提醒各位畢業生不要期待一份「安穩」的工作,因為「安穩」意味著簡單、重複,代表遲早會被機器取代。相對的,應該讓自己成為更懂得創新並使自己生命更豐富的人,如此才能在變動的時代中,創造屬於自己的天空。要知道,「上天沒有應允我們不翻船,但祂答應我們一定會到達彼岸!」各位寶貝,不要怕失敗,哪裡跌倒,哪裡再站起來,你會學得更多,看得更遠,更經得起考驗。         我一向稱呼你們為「寶貝」,「寶貝」不只是一種語言,它也代表我的「作為」,它更是一個「承諾」。此刻寶貝們即將畢業跨出校門準備去闖蕩屬於自己的夢想,不論是升學、就業、甚至出國;人生路上一定會碰到許多不順心的事、會有挫折、會有委屈,希望你們記得在高雄還有一個家,文藻的大門永遠為你而開!畢業後的你們像風箏,飛得越高越遠,但母校總也希望與你們有一線相連,這一條線就是「校友會」,希望踏出校門,大家能加入「文藻校友會」,未來我們還能在活動中見面,讓文藻人的DNA繼續傳承下去。         最後,祝福寶貝們,展開人生的翅膀飛向錦繡前程,用勇氣迎接挑戰,用雙手打造幸福,再次恭喜各位寶貝,祝福大家!我愛你們!           2017 Graduation Ceremony Speech      Chairperson of Board of Trustees, Teresa KU, distinguished parents, guests and graduating students. Congratulations and welcome to today’s graduation ceremony.         First of all, I would like to thank you all for being here today. As parents, it must be an anxious time when you entrust a school with your children. You must let them go off and be independent, as they mature in their development and education. Today, with the hopes of a bright future and fortunate blessings, we see these children graduate. Today is also a historic one, as it is the first time our graduation ceremony was to be held outside, however due to the rain, it had to be moved indoors. I hope that it will be a day that you always remember.        Since the establishment of the school, we have practiced respect for personal dignity, acceptance of individual differences, cultivating each student’s personal potential and the development of good ideals. We encourage our students to embrace multiculturalism and develop an international point-of-view. Here students attain professional knowledge and excellent language skills. Wenzao is one of Taiwan’s only foreign language universities and for the past 50 years it has been the only university in Taiwan that is completely focused on foreign language development. It exhibits a spirit of life, language and leadership. We also have a devoted faculty. Enthusiastic efforts also continue to be bestowed on us from the elders of the school. Over the last year, Wenzao has been distinguished with the following recognition and honors:        In Cheers Magazine 2017 Best University Guides, Wenzao was ranked as      * First in global perspective and foreign language proficiency among technical and vocational colleges.      * First in greatest amount of overseas exchange student experience in South of universities.      * Second in graduates being sought after by enterprises in Southern Taiwan.      * Third in school with the most of foreign exchange students among technical and vocational colleges.        In the 1111 Job Bank’s 2017 rankings of leading universities that are favored by businesses Wenzao was distinguished as first private university in southern Taiwan that employers were most satisfied with and out of 87 national and private technical schools, Wenzao also came first in the categories of communications and foreign languages.        As Wenzao is Taiwan’s only foreign language university that also develops students’ international perspective, the school has become one of the most recognized institutions in the country. Over the years, the curriculum design and teaching focus has consistently been developed in order to better its foreign language and vocational education. I believe that you all now have the core competencies needed for your future careers. More importantly, you have the ability to bring your skills to the world and make Taiwan proud. With your international perception, in such a rapidly changing world, I believe you all will be competent, key players in the international community.         According to Global Views Monthly May Edition, the global trend this year includes an increasing web economy, cloud data management and storage and industry 4.0. In the article entitled, "Five seconds to decide if your future career will be replaced by a robot", it states that if a person can complete a task within five seconds, yet it includes a great deal of thought or decision-making skills, then there is a greater chance that artificial intelligence technology will partially or completely replace these jobs. It estimates that 50% of today’s jobs that are carried out by people could be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future. With such challenges being at the forefront, education must be geared to help its people overcome. A greater quality and higher class of education must assist students in finding opportunities to develop more complex and varied careers, which require a more knowledgeable, creative and cultivated workforce. Areas where this can be developed include the arts, technology and leadership. Education must also teach ways humans and computers can collaborate with new skills and work opportunities. The service industry also has the opportunity to expand and education can also focus on this type of training. Graduates also need to be mindful to not just seek out work because it is “stable” because "stability" often means simple and repetitive and therefore jobs that are at a higher risk of being replaced by a machine. These days understanding the past and being an excellent student is no longer enough. Continue to develop yourself through education in order to become a richer and more competitive person that will thrive in an era of innovation. Believe that God will never give us too much to deal with and that he will always be there to answer our prayers. Never be afraid of developing your own careers and never be afraid of failure. If you stand up to these challenges, you will learn more, have a greater future vision and be more resilient.        I always call you the precious. It’s not just a word, it is a lifetime commitment to you. Today you are graduating and now with your acquired education you are ready to pursue your dreams. Whether you plan to continue your education, seek out employment or go abroad, you will sometimes encounter difficulties and setbacks. Through it all, remember you always have a home in Kaohsiung and at Wenzao. Always feel free to come and visit us. After graduation we hope you become like a kite and reach great heights. However, like all kites there is a string attached. We hope you will often come back and visit us. We also hope that you will join our alumni association and continue our great Wenzao legacy.       Finally, with our blessings we hope you can spread your wings of life and fly into a beautiful future. Always remember to have great courage when you deal with challenges that you meet along the way and never forget to create happiness in your lives. Once again congratulations to you all. God bless you!