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09/20/2017.106學年度開學典禮 周守民校長致辭全文

發布日期 2017-09-20 18:20:00








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  同時校長也要感謝你選擇了文藻作為你們人生最璀璨生命階段的駐足點,我可以在這裡保證「你們不會後悔的」!! 讓校長向你們說明文藻這兩年來的優秀表現:


 ◎ Cheers快樂工作人雜誌「最佳大學指南」:


 ◎ 遠見雜誌「台灣最佳大學評比」:


 ◎ 1111人力銀行「企業最愛大學評比」

  接者校長有一句話要和你們分享,那就是聖安琪慧語中提到的「Fati Vita Nova (度新生活)」,各位寶貝從今天開始就要進入一個自由、自主、自己負責的人生階段,校長希望你們學做自己的主人,擷取課堂內外文藻老師要分享給你們的人生與專業上的智慧,不幸的是校長在此要給你們一個「保證」,校長保證未來的四年或五年裡,你們肯定會遇到挫折、失敗、痛苦...,當你們流淚揪心的時候,請寶貝們記得校長在此用聖安琪的話給你們第二個保證:「要振作自己,採取行動,有信心,有希望,努力以赴,全心向祂呼喊;那麼,毫無懷疑的,你們要看到奇事。」聖安琪也說:「如果對這項特殊任務的要求,你們感到能力不足,或不知該怎樣恰當地去應付,不要氣餒。要懷著希望,堅信天主,因為祂必會在一切事上協助你們。只要你們全力以赴,毫無保留,祂必會賜給你們相稱的力量去完成它。」希望校長的這二個保證在未來的時光中,對你們有幫助。





Year 106 opening ceremony Message from the President


Good morning, 

     I am Wenzao’s President and to me, you are all like my own children. Therefore, I always use the term of endearment “baby”, when I address the students. I want to start by thanking you for choosing Wenzao and guarantee you will not regret it! You are now all truly part of our Wenzao family. 

     As you can see on the screen, there are three flags. The flag on the left is the school’s flag. On the right is the flag of the Ursuline Order.  Wenzao was founded by the Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union of the Order of St. Ursuline. You will occasionally see them around. These treasures of love and wisdom have dedicated their lives to the development of our school. 

     Then there are two badges. The one on the left is the school’s badge and on the right, is the Ursuline emblem. As you can see, there is the Latin word SERVIAM inscribed at the bottom, which means “I will serve”.

     Wenzao was founded in 1966 and was based on the educational philosophy of St. Angela Merici. The School believes and respects each individual and their unique values and potential. It provides a language and professional education with Chinese culture as its basis, while students get an in-depth understanding of diverse cultures. Wenzao emphasizes holistic education and is willing to help all students discover their potential by developing their own unique characteristics. Wenzao cultivates students’ spirit to care for and contribute to society, embrace a spirit of selflessness and develop global perspectives. They are encouraged to become leaders through servant leadership. In recent years, Wenzao has trained students to become “3L Wenzaorians”, with the educational goals of "Life, Language and Leadership."


     As you enter into Wenzao, there are four significant people that have been a great inspiration to me and I would like to share a little bit about them with you. The first was St. Ursula in the 4th or 5th century, who led a group of young virgins overseas to visit the Pope.  She provided the girls with education and guidance. She and her virgins were unfortunately martyred. The second was St. Angela Merici, who founded the Order of St. Ursula approximately 500 years ago. We believe that she continues to protect and guide our teachers and students, every moment of every day. Then there was the first Chinese Bishop Wenzao Lo, who the school is named after. There is a bronze statue of him that can be seen near the campus entrance. Then there is Mother Cecilia Wang. She was amongst the first class of Wenzao’s graduates. She is currently Prioress General of the Ursulines of the Roman Union. In 2017, there were 9,585 students attending Wenzao. You are now a part of the international Ursuline education system, which has schools located all over the world. So, if you see this emblem in other countries, they are also from one of our sister schools. 

     "REVERE THE DIVINE, LOVE THE HUMAN", is Wenzao’s motto and the backbone of its educational philosophy. This means to respect the dignity, individuality and potential of every individual. This is based on St. Angela’s educational philosophy and is guided by the Catholic Church’s mission. Wenzao works to develop both foreign language skills and a holistic education. Over the last two years Wenzao has earned a great deal of outstanding recognition, which includes:


◎ Cheers Magazine Best Universities and Colleges in Taiwan, in which Wenzao was ranked:   
 ★First in global perspective and foreign language proficiency among Taiwan’s technical and vocational colleges
 ★First in the ratio of double-majors to number of undergraduate among private technical and vocational colleges
 ★Largest number of students that go out on exchanges amongst private technical and vocational colleges in Southern Taiwan
 ★Second most popular schools for enterprises among private technical and vocational colleges and universities in Southern Taiwan


◎ Global Views Monthly Best Universities and Colleges in Taiwan ranked Wenzao as:
 ★First in foreign languages and communications
 ★First in international education among private technical and vocational colleges 
 ★Leading private technical university and college in southern Taiwan
 ★Second best technical (non-medical) university among private technical universities and colleges in southern Taiwan


◎ 1111 Job Bank Most Popular Universities in Taiwan for Enterprises found that Wenzao was:
 ★Ranked the most favorable university for employers out of all the technological and vocational colleges and universities in Southern Taiwan 
 ★First in foreign languages and communications among private technical and vocational colleges


     Now I am going to share with you one of St. Angela’s terms, "Fati Vita Nova”, which means “to live a new life”. From today onwards, you are now free, autonomous and personally responsible for your new life. You are now your own master, so be sure to make the most of your education and the wisdom of your teachers. No matter if you are a student in the four or five-year programs, you will certainly encounter setbacks, failures and even painful experiences. However, no matter how bad things seem to get, remember St. Angela encourages us to “Act, move, believe, strive, hope, cry out to him with all your heart, for without doubt you will see marvelous things”. She also encourages us, “Do not to be afraid of not knowing and not being able to do what is rightly required” and  “Have hope and firm faith in God, for he will help you in everything. Pray to him, humble yourselves under his great power, because, without doubt, he has given you this charge, so he will give you also the strength to be able to carry it out, provided you do not fail for your part”(Counsels Prologue, 1582). If you follow this, I can guarantee He will always take care of you and help you through difficulties.  I have always believed our patron saint, St. Angela, is watching over us at Wenzao. I hope that you too will find her and that she will also bring you peace and a better life. 

     Again, I want to welcome you to Wenzao and thank you for choosing our school. I always try to maintain good communication with the students, even if we sometimes differ in our opinions. But even if we are not in agreement, I still guarantee I will defend your right to freedom of speech. I also believe that Wenzao has a great administrative team. They make great efforts to provide the students with the best service and care. I hope that you will be able to adapt well to Wenzao’s culture and quickly get used to life on campus.  I know you will be glad you choose Wenzao. Today is the beginning of your new life. Always thank God and God will bless you!