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09/27/2017.教師節慶祝大會 周守民校長致辭全文

發布日期 2017-09-27 16:00:00








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  再次向投注專業與一生熱情與默默堅守崗位的各位得獎教師致敬,也希望所有教師繼續堅持這份天使的工作。謝謝大家。敬祝 闔家平安,教師節與中秋節快樂!



Good afternoon colleagues, honored teachers, ladies and gentlemen:

  Tomorrow is Teacher's Day and I appreciate the Personnel Office for taking the time to organize this gathering, to honor our educators. Teacher’s Day is about expressing gratitude for everything that teachers do. This year, Teacher's Day is also close to Moon Festival. So, I wish you all a very Happy Teacher's Day and Mid-Autumn Festival!


  At Wenzao both our faculty and administrators also carry out the role as teacher. You are one of the most important people in our students’ lives and we really appreciate all the things you do. Teachers, give inspiration, joy, comfort and love. They give students self-confidence, knowledge and teach life skills.


  Sometimes we also encounter difficulties. As teachers we cannot choose our students. On the other hand, students do not have the right to choose their teachers either. However, every child must be carefully taken care of, like sowing a seed. Never forget how you can positively influence and change a student’s life. 


  Wenzao’s philosophy is -“Revere the divine, love the human”. It is to respect every student’s individuality, inspire students to explore their potential and serve their communities. We are often reminded by our Ursuline Sisters that, "Education is one’s work but we must always be in collaboration with God. Therefore, we should always remember, our faith should always shine through us with love!" Every life is the LORD’s creation. Each person is unique, valuable, and has a life mission. Sometimes we feel fear, limited or frustrated with life’s challenges.  However, it is through these weaknesses, we can find strength in teamwork. We can draw support and inspiration from our partners and colleagues.  We can encourage each other to find strength and help each other out. Share your experiences and faith in the Lord. We are all the Lord’s servants, we can uplift our colleagues through faith and by doing these things we glorify the Lord!


  Every student is a precious pearl. When we put these pearls together they become a valuable pearl necklace. However, if all we see is the precious necklace, we miss the indispensable string that brings it all together. It is then that you humbly ignore your most important role. Teachers, you not only inspire students’ achievements, but you also play a role in the development of a nation.

  Mencius said, "The way of learning is nothing other than seeking the lost mind”. The art of teaching is not only the ability to teach, but also the passing on of inspiration, awakening of the mind and providing encouragement. Through education everything is possible. I believe that through prayer and working together, Wenzao will continue to grow and become greater. 

  Thank you all for your passion and the professional job that you all do. God bless you, in your continued efforts, as you carry out the work of angels. I hope that you all have a wonderful and joyful Teacher's Day and a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!