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12/22/2017.聖誕共融餐會 周守民校長致辭全文

發布日期 2017-12-22 19:30:00








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  再次衷心感謝勞苦功高的各位夥伴,也謝謝各位家屬來到現場與我們共歡,請再次接受我們對您們的感謝與祝福,更謝謝今天人事室和公關室及所有工作同仁的辛苦,讓我們把今天的歡樂獻給天主及在座的彼此!祝 大家闔府平安,健康喜樂,謝謝大家!


Dear Sisters, Alumni, distinguished guests, Colleagues, Families and Friends,


  Good afternoon!


  It is once again time to celebrate our annual Wenzao Christmas Luncheon. I would like to express my gratitude for all your hard work and the progress that we have made over the last year. In 2017, we saw an increase in enrollment, finances, international exchanges, projects with industries and government. It has been a very profitable and stable year.


  It is particularly worth noting that our projects with industries and government and various off-campus subsidies received a budget of NT 344 million, making it an exceptional year. Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication!


  This year, the school also set up a new Research and Development office and a new multi-purpose building is currently under construction. The Aboriginal Resource Development Center was opened last month. The Department of Korean, Southeast Asian Studies and the Master program of Southeast Asian Studies were also launched. The College for Holistic Education was also renamed the College of Liberal Arts Education and our English Language Education and Liberal programs were greatly enhanced this year. In July, Alumni Association was also established. We have also set up a committee of teachers to promote the Ursuline spirit and to develop a leadership camp for students that will begin next month. This will give faculty and students a greater understanding of Saint Angela’s educational philosophy. Furthermore in 2020, we will host Asia University Presidents Form.


  This year, Wenzao again received several great honors from around Taiwan. One of our professors received the National Award for Life Education, which has been bestowed to Wenzao’s teachers for three consecutive years now. Other honors include, Cheers Magazine again ranking Wenzao number 1 in a survey of public and private technical and vocational universities in international and foreign language skills. This has been awarded to the school for eight consecutive years now. Global Views Monthly ranked Wenzao as the number 1 ranking of the best prestige of technical and vocational private university in Southern Taiwan. 1111 Human Resource Bank ranked Wenzao as also the number 1ranking that employers are most satisfied and the best technical and vocational private university for foreign languages and communications in Southern Taiwan.


  All of these successes and great honors have been due to the tremendous efforts of my colleagues. I know how much pressure you are all under and the efforts and sweat and tears that go into all these things. I don’t know how to show equal gratification for the work you all do, but please know that I pray for you all every day. I have also asked my secretaries to write all our management and administrators’ names on a small card that I keep in my mobile phone cover. I take this everywhere I go, even to my homes in Kaohsiung and Taipei. Every morning and evening I pray God comforts you and guides you in all your hard work. Though we may feel other schools are making more progress, I believe that with continuous efforts from all our colleagues we will ultimately be successful.


  Once again, I want to sincerely thank my colleagues for their hard work and am so happy to see so many families join us today. Thank you all for coming. Again we are truly blessed to have you and grateful for all your hard work. We also deeply appreciate the Personnel and Public Relations offices, along with various other colleagues, for all the work that they have put into today’s event. Finally, all our joy and happiness of the day should also be dedicated to God and everyone that came out to make this day successful! I want to wish everyone peace, health and happiness over the holidays. Thank you and best wishes!