【學習講座】文藻同學如何大幅提升英檢成績心得分享會歡迎報名參加(Learning Lecture) Sharing Session of How Wenzao Students Significantly Improve the Score of English Proficiency Tests
發布日期 2018-03-19 08:34:00
時間:107/3/21(三) 15:10-17:00
(報名請由此進) 報名網址 http://ma.wzu.edu.tw/files/302-1000-2964.php
Time: 107/3/21(Wed.) 15:10-17:00
Venue: Q001
Participants: All students
Registration site: http://ma.wzu.edu.tw/files/302-1000-2964.php
Details: The CELT invites students to share their actual test-taking experiences and provide some test-taking strategies and tips in English learning as an efficient way to help you achieve your goal of a higher English proficiency test score. All the students are strongly welcomed to join this workshop!