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1070402_有關清明連續假期總務處提醒事項公告(A reminder about Spring Break from Office of General Affairs)

發布日期 2018-04-02 13:51:00

  1.  配合107年4月4日(三)至107年4月8日(日)清明連續假期,請同仁於107年4月3日(二)下班離開辦公室或研究室前,確實將各式電器用品電源關閉,並將門窗確實關妥,感謝您的配合。    
  2. 惟考量教職同仁工作規劃,校園民族路與鼎中路校門開放時間,比照正常上班日上午630分至2230分。


敬祝  假期愉快!


總務處 敬啟



Dear All:

Spring Break is coming up.

Please make sure you turn off powers for all electrical devices and lock windows and doors before you leave the office on April 3, 2018. Thank you for your cooperation.


However, considering teachers and staff's work plans, the opening hours for the campus gates on Minzu Road and Dingzhong Road will remain the same from 6:30 to 22:30.


Wish you have a great Spring Break.


Office of General Affairs

April 2, 2018