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Recruitment representatives from Middlesex University visiting the English Department

發布日期 2018-10-09 17:15:00

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英國密德薩斯大學亞太區首席招生代表Karen Wong國際事務經理Kay Yuen台灣區代表Jack Chen與吳麗英主任和國合老師陳琴萍教授合照


英國密德薩斯大學(Middlesex University)亞太區首席招生代表Karen Wong日昨偕同該校國際事務經理Kay Yuen和台灣區代表Jack Chen前來文藻拜會。本系吳麗英主任和國合老師陳琴萍教授與該校代表晤面,洽談雙聯學制的建立。初步朝向碩士1+1學士3+1、二技與碩士聯合1+1+2學制規劃。相關資訊將於全系學生「與系主任有約」的活動中說明。


Ms Karen Wong, Head of Recruitment & Marketing at Middlesex University and Ms Kay Yuen, International Education Manager at its Asia Pacific Regional Hub, visited the English Department on Oct. 1. One of the key issues discussed at the meeting with the Head of English Department and Prof. Tilla Chen, Coordinator to the department’s International & Cross-Strait program, is to establish a Dual-Degree program at the BA and MA levels with Middlesex University. More information related to the Dual-Degree program will be announced at the event of ‘Meeting the Department Head’ held on November 21.


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