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【學術論壇】12/14 敬邀參加第一屆文藻歐洲論壇:21世紀歐洲與國際政經發展趨勢 / The First Wenzao European Forum: Europe and the Development of Global Politics and Economy in the 21st Century

發布日期 2018-12-04 10:19:00

歐研所提醒:目前線上報名已額滿,請直接來信 ES0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw 報名或是於 12/14 當天現場報名

GIES REMINDER: Online registration is fully booked at present. Please Mail to ES0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw for registering. Registering on the day of the forum is also accepted.


本所特此邀請政大歐洲語文學系教授兼臺灣歐盟中心副主任張台麟、淡江歐洲研究所教授兼所長卓忠宏,以及政大俄羅斯研究所教授洪美蘭蒞校發表研究論文。本校歐洲研究所教授羅文笙(Vincent Rollet)與德國語文系教授華明儀(Armin Ibitz),亦將於會中發表相關研究,此次共計發表五篇學術論文。


【論壇信息 | Forum Info】
主辦單位:文藻外語大學歐亞語文學院 歐洲研究所
論壇日期:107 年 12 月 14 日(五)
論壇時間:下午 13:30-16:30
論壇地點:文藻外語大學 至善樓 Z1310
【線上報名 | Online Registration】


  1. 若線上報名額滿,歡迎直接來信 ES0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw 報名或是於 12/14 當天現場報名。
  2. 論壇使用語言為中文、英文。
  3. 論壇結束將統一將電子研習證書匯入各位老師之教師歷程檔案系統;學生則另行以E-mail寄送電子研習證書。

"The First Wenzao European Forum: Europe and the Development of Global Politics and Economy in the 21st Century" will focus on the political, economic and social issues related to Europe and the European Union. The Forum aims to promote academic exchanges between European and EU studies in Taiwan and enhance public awareness of the results of European and EU studies.

The GIES has invited the following scholars: Prof. Tai-Lin CHANG, the Department of European Languages and Cultures, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Deputy Director General of EU Centre in Taiwan; Prof. Chung-hung CHO, Director of Graduate Institute of European Studies of Tamkang University, Prof. Mea-Lan HUNG, the Graduate Institute of Russian Studies (GIRS), National Chengchi University (NCCU); Prof. Vincent ROLLET, Graduate Institute of European Studies, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages and Prof. Armin IBITZ, Department of German, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages to share their researches in the forum.

This forum will be conducted in sessions and Q&A. We cordially invite you to join us!

【Forum Info】
Organizer: Graduate Institute of European Studies, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Date       : December 14, 2018 (Fri)
Time       : 13:30-16:30 P.M.
Venue     : Zhishan Hall (Z1310), Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
【Online Registration】


  1. If the online registration is fully booked, please Mail to ES0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw for registering. Registering on the day of the forum is also accepted.
  2. The forum will be conducted in Chinese or English.
  3. After the forum, the certificate will be sent electronically to the teacher's TP; students' certificate will be sent by E-mail.

【論壇議程 | Forum Agenda】

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