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Welcome Party for the International Students of the English Department

發布日期 2018-12-11 17:25:00

Welcome Party for the International Students of the English Department

The English Department threw a party for its international students for the very first time to welcome and help the international students bond with each other and the department. The number of the international students enrolling in the English Department has been increasing in recent years. This year, there are 77 international students studying at the English department. They are from all over the world including the United States, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippine, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, and so on.

The English Department prepared several ice-breaking games and fun team-bonding activities to help the international students know each other better. The international students also performed at the party to share their cultures and show their talents.

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Group photo of the English Department Chairperson, Dr. Li-Ying Wu, the Deputy Chair of College Division, Dr. Sherry Huang, the Deputy Chair of Junior College Division, Dr. Peter Chou, and the international students.

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The Chairperson of the English Department, Dr. Li-Ying Wu, gave an opening remark to welcome the international students.

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印度學生SushilaBilmaReetu 表演傳統舞蹈

Indian students, Sushila, Bilma, and Reetu performed traditional dance.

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Japanese students, Sakura and Minori, performed Street Jazz for the party.

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Game time

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Game time