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5th Anniversary of St. Ursula Eichi High School’s Study Programme at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, hosted by the English Department

發布日期 2019-03-12 16:46:00

5th Anniversary of St. Ursula Eichi High School’s Study Programme at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, hosted by the English Department

     The English Department of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages has been hosting and providing St. Ursula Eichi High School from Sendai, Japan, with a short-term study programme for the past 4 years, and this year is the 5th year of such a tailor-made learning programme. This year, the study programme is even more diverse and richer in terms of its curriculum and programme design, course content, learning approaches, culture elements, and extracurricular activities. In addition to language learning, it also offers the Japanese students opportunities to communicate with people from various cultural background, learn local Taiwanese and foreign cultures, and take the same university classes with Wenzao students. The Japanese high school students can also experience the aboriginal cultures in Taiwan through participating in the aboriginal student club activities.






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The opening ceremony of the 5th anniversary of St. Ursula Eichi High School’s study programme at Wenzao, hosted by the English Department.



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Trombone Duo performed by student musicians, Yuki Liu and Kitahara Maino)

長號二重奏表演 (左為英文系大學部二年級劉于綺同學、右為日本學生北原 舞乃)


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St. Ursula Eichi High School teachers and students with the Deputy Chair of the English Department, Dr. Sherry Huang, and student advisors from Wenzao.



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St. Ursula Eichi High School students and teachers attended Indigenous of Generation student club.



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St. Ursula Eichi High School students joined a university class and interacted with students from the English Department.
