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2020.03.20 [重要公告] 敬請全體教師參加線上同步軟體研習,第8周(4/6~4/11)課程全面進行【線上同步教學】

發布日期 2020-03-20 14:00:00


主旨:敬請全體教師參加線上同步軟體研習,第8周(4/6~4/11)課程全面進行【線上同步教學】/【Important letter】Attending workshops on synchronous online teaching for all classes in the 8th week (April 6 ~ April 11)







1. 自下周一開始直至春假前(3/23~4/1),請全體教師參加由教發中心舉辦之Zoom軟體之研習,以便全體教師皆具備線上同步教學之能力。(已具備Adobe Connect、Zoom操作能力者免參加)


2. 第8周(4/6~4/11)課程全面進行【線上同步教學】,該周全體師生於線上上課、不進校園,實體教室改移至線上教室,請大家照表操課,第9周回校期中考。


3. 春假前,請每位教師叮嚀學生下載及熟悉Zoom軟體,並與學生約定線上教室之相關訊息,並作簡短演練,以俾第8周可以順利上課。


4. 第8周之課程請利用軟體之錄影功能側錄下來,置放於本校網路學園,以利學生複習及學校和教育部檢核防疫教學成果之佐證。


教發中心將於下周(3/23~3/27)密集提供10個研習時段,接受各系(所)中心團體報名,中心的數位人員及TA將協助您於春假前完成軟體下載及熟悉操作。中心首頁左側的【遠距教學教師專區】亦提供各種線上教學之資源可供參考與自學,除了以本校雲端學園和Zoom為主體外,您可以另擇其他軟體搭配使用,豐富您的線上教學。 我們希望,透過此次線上同步教學,能將疫情對我們的影響降到最低。我們沒有太多準備的時間,這次,讓我們又當老師、又當學生,學習往真正的網路學園邁進!期待疫情過後,我們共同進階為【教師2.0版】。


教務處/進修部/教師發展中心/資訊與教學科技中心 敬上




Date: March 20, 2020


Dear Teachers,


Our warmest greetings to all teachers at Wenzao!

Due to the deadly threatening COVID-19 all over the world, some high schools and universities in Taiwan have been enormously influenced. They have been forced to either completely shut down or partially close. For the sake of all stakeholders at Wenzao, continuous meetings were held on March 17 and 18. Here’s the very important announcement which all faculty members should abide by:


1. All teachers are required to attend the Zoom-based instruction workshops provided by Center for Faculty Development (CFD) starting from March 23 to April 1. This is to ensure that nobody is left behind in the project of synchronous teaching. (Those teachers who have been trained and are familiar with the operation of Adobe Connect or Zoom are exempted from this requirement.)


2. All courses have to be taught synchronously in the 8th week (April 6 ~ April 11). Both teachers and students can stay home working on the regular courses online on the basis of the weekly schedule. All students and teachers should then come back for the midterm examination in the 9th week.


3. Could teachers please inform the class, get them to familiarize the learning setting, and make a schedule before spring break, focusing on how you will present your lessons?


4. Please record your Zoom classes, save them, and upload them onto E-cloud as accessible evidence so that not only students are able to review lessons but also administrators in the university and Ministry of Education are able to be convinced of what our teachers and students can do over the epidemic prevention period.


Starting from March 23 to March 27, CFD will offer10 intensive workshops to teachers in groups in terms of hands-on teaching/learning platforms, e.g., Adobe Connect or Zoom. Experienced IT-specialists and TAs will support your instruction with necessary software programs and operation before spring break. In addition, CFD homepage (https://c014.wzu.edu.tw/) can be a useful resource for your online learning. Please refer to the “distance learning zone for teachers” for further details. In addition to the current E-cloud courseware and Zoom, any efficient and user-friendly platforms can be taken into consideration as long as they can be of help to accomplish your teaching goals.


With the implementation of online synchronous teaching, we sincerely hope that the impact of the critical plight can be downgraded to the minimum level. Although we do not have much time to face the emergency, we are likely to make the most of the best and the least of the worst while teaching and learning at the same time. Let’s look forward to a better future of instruction, the so-called ‘Teacher Version 2.0’ after the threatening issue is over.


May peace be with you and may God bless us everyone.


Yours faithfully,


Academic Affairs Office

Division of Continuing Education

Center for Faculty Development

Information and Instruction Technology Center