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Free webinar:【What college counsellors need from international officers right now】

發布日期 2020-11-26 16:04:00

Free webinar:【What college counsellors need from international officers right now】

 * Time: 2020/12/03(Thursday) at 10pm-11pm(TAIWAN)/2:00pm-3pm(UK)

* Register: https://reurl.cc/D6Q0XO

* Organizer: ISC Research


In this webinar, a panel of experienced international school college counsellors will explain the ways that they want to be contacted and supported by universities throughout the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.

This webinar will include details of:
•How international school college counsellors are advising students with pathway planning right now.
•What information and support international school college counsellors need from universities right now to assist pathway planning.
•How university international officers can best engage with international school college counsellors when travel is not possible.

•Feedback from international school college counsellors on the pathway plans of their students in light of pandemic and political challenges​​​​​​.

* Speakers:

- Erika Toren / Director of College Counselling and Student Services at TASIS The American School in England

- Michael Francis/ Director of Careers and University Guidance at the British International School Cairo in Egypt

- Logan Westmoreland / University Counsellor at the American School of Milan in Italy

- Carla Muñana / Coordinator of International University Counselling at SEK-Ciudalcampo International School in Madrid Spain



※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.


 國際暨兩岸合作處 敬上

Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation