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IFCU webinar:【Current Experiments in Strengthening Catholic Mission】

發布日期 2021-01-08 14:12:00

IFCU webinar:【Current Experiments in Strengthening Catholic Mission】

* Organizer:International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU)

* Theme:Current Experiments in Strengthening Catholic Mission

* Time: 2021/01/13(Wednesday) at 09:30 a.m.(TAIWAN)

* Register:https://reurl.cc/yn1zpl

* Speaker:Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, CM, Ed.D., President of the ACCU (US)
Fr. Dennis Holtschneider will present the different facets of the Catholic identities of higher education institutions in the United States; will give a particular focus on Current Experiments in Strengthening Catholic Mission.  He will show that the US has 15 different approaches at present, and will make some early comments on their strengths and weaknesses.

Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, CM, Ed.D., ACCU President

Prominent in the field of Catholic higher education, Fr. Holtschneider began his tenure as ACCU president on July 1, 2019. He served as president of DePaul University in Chicago, the nation’s largest Catholic university, from 2004 to 2017. A frequent speaker, consultant, and writer on issues facing colleges and universities, he has served on the boards of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, the American Council on Education, and ACCU, which he chaired from 2010 to 2012. He currently chairs the Niagara University Board of Trustees and the Institute of Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California.

IFCU Website:http://www.fiuc.org/index_en.html


※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

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Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation