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【轉知徵稿啟事Call for papers】Arts and artists in the pontifical diplomacy network between Pius II and Pius XI, Rome October 15, 2021

發布日期 2021-01-18 17:16:00

【轉知徵稿啟事Call for papers】Arts and artists in the pontifical diplomacy network between Pius II and Pius XI, Rome October 15, 2021

◎研討會日期(Date): October 15, 2021
◎徵稿截止日(Deadline): Due 15 March 2021

◎徵稿邀請信請見附件(Attached file):Guidance on Call for Papers

The Faculty of History and Cultural Heritage of the Church (Pontifical Gregorian University) invites to submit proposals for an international congress that aims to reflect upon the role of the arts and artists in the context of diplomatic relationships promoted by the Papal Curia.
The congress will be divided into three sessions: Early Modern Age (from Pius II to Gregory XV), Second Modern Age (from Urban VIII to Pius VI) and Early Contemporary Age (from Pius VII to Pius XI).

The presentations can address both unexplored and already studied themes, based upon an innovative approach and/or unpublished documentation, as well as proposing broader interpretative frameworks. Please submit an abstract (max. 2000 characters) with a short CV and a list of publications to artediplomazia@unigre.it until March 15th, 2021. Papers can be presented in Italian, English or French. Proceedings of the congress will be published.

IFCU Website:http://www.fiuc.org/index_en.html


※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

國際暨兩岸合作處 敬上
Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation