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【轉知徵稿啟事Call for papers】 “ 4th Edition of the Expanded Reason Congress”

發布日期 2021-01-26 16:10:00

【轉知徵稿啟事Call for papers】 “ 4th Edition of the Expanded Reason Congress”

◎ 研討會日期(Date):June 17 to 18, 2021
◎ 研討會地點(Location): Universidad Francisco de Vitoria(hybrid format: online and on-site with limited capacity)

◎ 研討會網址(Website):https://expandedreasonawards.org/expanded-reason-congress-2021-transhumanism/
◎ 徵稿邀請信請見附件(Attached file):Guidance on Call for Papers
◎ 徵稿截止日(Deadline):Open Call for papers until May 30th, 2021.

◎ Modality of registration:
 On-site attendance (100 euros)
 Online attendance (60 euros)
 On-site attendance with communication (120 euros)
 Online attendance with communication (80 euros)

The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria is organizing the 4th Edition of the Expanded Reason Congress, to be held on June 17th and 18th (2021), and announces the call for papers addressed to professors and researchers interested in tackling transhumanism – in any of its forms or related issues – from an expanded reason perspective. That is, expanding horizons to understand the full meaning of reality by reflecting an active dialogue between the particular science and philosophy and/or theology.

The congress will be held in hybrid format (online and on-site with limited capacity). We hope to engage in a transdisciplinary dialogue that helps to approach transhumanism in all its complexity, connecting it with anthropology, epistemology, ethics and the question of meaning.

Authors may adscribe their papers to the following areas of knowledge:
* Experimental sciences
* Health Sciences
* Engineering
* Education
* Justice and law
* Economy and business
* Political Sciences
* Communication Sciences
* Philosophy
* Theology

For more information you can go to: expandedreasonawards.org or contact us at: expandedreason@ufv.es


※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

國際暨兩岸合作處 敬上
Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation