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2021.02.19 [學務處] 為因應「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Covid-19)」疫情及維護教職員工生健康,開學後防疫措施如下。

發布日期 2021-02-21 12:51:00







1. 開學前校園已全面完成清潔及消毒。

2. 依照本校校園防疫小組決議:自國外入境的教職員生,完成14天之居家檢疫後,於後續7天之「自主健康管理」期間,務請遵循「不進入校園」之規定。在此期間,請同學務必與所有課程之任課教師確認上課方式。

3. 師生進入校園請配合校園體溫監測入校動線及門禁管理。(請參閱下圖)。

4. 依據衛生福利部疾病管制署公佈八大場所應佩戴口罩之規定,全校敎職員工生(含華語中心及推廣部)、校外訪客進入校園皆需佩戴口罩。

5. 各教室及辦公室應保持室內通風良好,使用冷氣搭配對角各開一扇窗,每扇窗至少開15公分。

6. 辦理集會活動採實名制(包含姓名、電話及活動紀錄)、量體溫及落實環境清潔消毒。活動時請勤洗手、注意呼吸道衛生與咳嗽禮節,並保持社交距離(室內1.5公尺,室外1公尺),若無法保持社交距離,應戴口罩。

7. 個人應加強自主健康管理,教職員工生如有發燒或類流感症狀時,應戴上口罩,儘速就醫及在家休養,並主動通知衛生保健組(分機2242-2245);落實生病不上班、不上課。

8. 教職員工生敬請落實防疫新生活運動,維持社交距離;密閉空間集會無法維持社交距離時,務必戴口罩,做好個人防護。

9. 本校持續關注疫情指揮中心的訊息,視疫情變化滾動式修正防疫相關作為。


文藻外語大學校園防疫應變小組 敬上



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[Announcement] Special teaching and learning arrangements introduced by the University’s Task Force of Epidemic Prevention


Dear students, 


Greetings from Wenzao! Welcome back to school! 


In response to the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s (MOHW) recommendations and the Ministry of Education’s official letter(No. 1100000858), the University has to establish an epidemic prevention measures to ensure the highest standards of health well-being for teachers and students:


  1. The University campus will have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized by the beginning of the spring semester. 
  2. Based on the resolution of the University's Task Force of Epidemic Prevention, faculty and students returning to Taiwan from abroad have to undergo home quarantine for 14 days and additional 7 days of self-health management upon arrival. During this period, those subjects to quarantine and monitoring shall refrain from entering the campus.

      Thus, if students who cannot attend classes must contact their teachers for learning arrangements .

  1. All individuals are required to follow the policy of University’s temperature monitoring and entry restrictions when entering campus. (Please see the attachment.).
  2. In line with the Center of Disease Control's (CDC) policy on wearing masks at the places of high risks of infection and transmission, faculty  (including the Chinese Language Center and Division of Continuing Education), students, and visitors are required to wear masks on campus. 
  3. All classrooms and offices should keep adequate ventilation. When an air-conditioner is in use, keep the opposite windows open to at least 15 cm.
  4. In the events of assemblies and functions, the "real-name system" will be implemented (i.e., name, phone number, and travel history of attendees will be recorded), and the venues must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Please wash hands frequently, maintain personal hygiene and social distance when attending events. If you cannot maintain a social distance of at least 1.5m indoor or 1m outdoor, you should wear a mask at all times.
  5. Monitor your health condition closely. If you have a fever or flu-like symptoms, please put on a medical mask immediately, visit a doctor as soon as possible, and rest at home. Inform the University's Health Section (07-3426031 ext. 2242-2245). Do not return to campus if you are feeling unwell.
  6. All individuals must follow the guidelines on the "Epidemic-prevention New Life Movement" and keep a good social distance. If you cannot maintain a proper social distance, wear a mask and adopt appropriate personal protective measures.
  7. Wenzao will continue to monitor the CDC's information and announce relevant measures if necessary.


      Hope everyone stays healthy and safe. Looking forward to seeing you on campus.





University's Task Force of Epidemic Prevention

February 17, 2021