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【轉知】印度台北協會印度總統獎/頒發給梵文和古典語言國際學者,即日起開放申請((India's Presidential Award to international scholars in Sanskrit and Classical Languages)

發布日期 2021-04-01 18:17:00

【轉知】印度台北協會印度總統獎/頒發給梵文和古典語言國際學者,即日起開放申請((India's Presidential Award to international scholars in Sanskrit and Classical Languages)

一、主辦單位:印度台北協會(India-Taipei Association)
二、獎項名稱:India's Presidential Award to international scholars in Sanskrit and Classical Languages(印度總統獎,頒發給梵文和古典語言國際學者)


5.Classical Oriya古典奧里亞語
6.Classical Malayalam古典馬拉雅拉姆語
7.Classical Kannada古典卡納達語
8.Classical Telugu古典泰盧固語


1. 有意申請之教師,填寫附件申請表後,擲交國合處國際交流組謝小姐,將由學校統一向印度台北協會提出申請。
2. 本校本案申請截止日期:110年4月6日(二)




【Announcement】 India's Presidential Award to international scholars in Sanskrit and Classical Languages


Organizer:India-Taipei Association

Award:India's Presidential Award to international scholars in Sanskrit and Classical Languages

Every year, India's Presidential Awards (International) are given to scholars in Sanskrit and Classical languages Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and Odia by the India Government. The international award of honor can be applied by non-resident Indian or person of non-Indian origin with outstanding contribution in the field of Sanskrit and in each of the classical languages mentioned above.

In this regards, it is stated that a certificate, a shawl and one time cash award Rs. 5.00 lakh are given to each awardees.

All candidates from Taiwan need to contact India Taipei Association (ITA) and be nominated by the ITA. 

Kindly take the necessary actions to share the information/resource with anyone who may be excellent in the above mentioned fields.

The application deadline (WENZAO):April 6, 2021.

Please submit documents by email to arrive by the deadline to oc1003@mail.wzu.edu.tw, Ms. Hsieh (Ext. 2613), Section of International Exchange, OICC.

More detail information, pls. see the attached file.


公告單位:國際暨兩岸合作處 國際合作交流組
Section of International Exchange,
Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation
公告人  :謝淑如 Ms. Hsieh (07)3426031分機2613