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【轉知】 IFCU Webinar:Reflection on the Catholic identity of Catholic universities from the Brazilian experience (Free Registration / Meeting in English )

發布日期 2021-05-13 10:32:00

【轉知】 IFCU Webinar:Reflection on the Catholic identity of Catholic universities from the Brazilian experience (Free Registration/Meeting in English)

* Organizer:IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities)
* Theme:Reflection on the Catholic identity of Catholic universities from the Brazilian experience
* Time: June 15, 2021(Tuesday) 9:00PM(TAIWAN) /3:00PM(PARIS)
* Register:

Speaker:Dr. Maria Amalia Andery, Rector of the PUC São Paulo
Dr. Maria Amalia Andery has a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of São Paulo (1975), a Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Manitoba (1977). She holds a PhD in Psychology (Social Psychology) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1990) and did her postdoctoral training at the University of North Texas. Professor at the Pontifical University of São Paulo in the Faculty of Humanities and Health Sciences and in the postgraduate program in Experimental Psychology: behavior analysis, member of the editorial board of the journals Temas em Psicologia and Revista Brasileira de Análise de Behavior, Maria Amalia Andery is Rector of the Pontifical University of São Paulo since 2016.


※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

公告單位:國際暨兩岸合作處 國際合作交流組
Section of International Exchange, Office of International and
 Cross-Strait Cooperation
公告人  :謝淑如 Ms. Hsieh (07)3426031分機2613