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發布日期 2021-05-24 07:58:00




  1. 請多關懷班上學生線上課程出勤或學習狀況,請多以線上或電話聯繫的方式關心或輔導,並將輔導紀錄登錄於導生晤談系統。如學生因線上課程有缺曠或是其他轉介需求,請依狀況轉介諮商與輔導中心或軍訓室。
  2. 線上同步教學期間,班會可採線上班會模式進行,會中請提醒班級幹部確實轉達學校重要訊息,並輔導學生進行班級經營事務,可多運用班會時間提醒學生學習及防疫事務。班會召開後三日內提醒學藝股長上網填寫,並送出審核,請導師亦記得完成線上簽核。
  3. 新冠肺炎疫情瞬息萬變,敬請導師提醒學生下列事項:
      • 學生如有打工情形,提醒學生暫停非必要性質之打工,如因故須持續工作者,並務必留意工作場域之防疫措施,保護自己、保護他人。
      • 隨時留意學校防疫專區之防疫訊息公告,以及班級幹部LINE之提醒,勿聽信或轉傳來源不明之謠言或錯誤訊息。
      • 學生點名如有被誤記之情事,無須到校繳交缺曠更正單,改以線上google表單申請,學生如有被誤記情形,先取得任課老師之同意修正後,再上網填寫表單,目前受理4月20日以後之缺曠更正。表單網址:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3FexwwojQoUFHQ3g0DtS4IuaEWYusZ0F5_AnXmidOpSU-Ww/viewform?usp=sf_link


                                                 學生事務處 敬上   2021/05/20


Dear  mentors:

During this online synchronous teaching period, in order to maintain student learning performance  and stabilize the learning status, we hereby ask mentors to assist in the following tutoring tasks:

  1. Please be more concerned about the attendance or study status of the students, use either online methods or use the telephone to assist or counsel them, and please submit a log of the counseling record in the student counseling interview system. If the student is absent due to online courses or other referral needs, please refer to the Wenzao Counseling Center or Military Training Office, according to the situation.
  2. During this online synchronous teaching period, the class meeting can be conducted through the online methods. Please remind the class leaders to pass on any important school information and guide students with their class management affairs. You can remind students of their studies and epidemic prevention affairs- during the class meeting time. Three days after the class meeting is held, please remind the class secretary to post the necessary epidemic prevention measure information on the online system and send it for review. Mentors, please remember to complete the online sign-off procedure.
  3.  Please remind students of the following:

(1) If students work part-time jobs, remind them of temporarily suspending unnecessary work. If they still have to work part-time jobs, remind them of paying attention to the (COVID-19) epidemic prevention measure around their working environment and their surroundings and remember to protect themselves as well as others.


(2) Pay attention to the notices/announcements of the (COVID-19) epidemic prevention news released from the school website or the official (COVID-19) epidemic prevention center and the LINE notices/announcements, have the class leaders remind students during those specific notice times. Do not believe or forward anonymous rumors or incorrect messages.


(3) If there are absences mistakenly taken at the roll calls, students do not have to come to the school to submit the absence correction paper sheets to which an alternative can be achieved via online google sheet instead. If there are absences mistakenly marked at the roll calls, students need to have the teacher’s consent to correct  the absence records first and then fill in online google sheet of applications for correcting  the absence records only mistakenly booked after April 20 via the website: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3FexwwojQoUFHQ3g0DtS4IuaEWYusZ0F5_AnXmidOpSU-Ww/viewform?usp=sf_link


Your cooperation and assistance are greatly appreciated. Let’s overcome the challenges together in process of the (COVID-19) epidemic prevention.


Best regards,


Office of Student Affairs

May 20, 2021