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[重要公告] 110學年度第1學期第一、二週(9/13~9/26)改採「線上同步教學」110 Academic Year 1st Semester Weeks 1 & 2: Synchronous Online Instruction from 9/13 to 9/26

發布日期 2021-09-06 16:36:00



敬祝 平安順心

Dear faculty and students,

Because of the recent development of Delta coronavirus epidemic, the Central Epidemic Command Center has extended the period of epidemic prevention alert at level 2 to be effective to September 20.  In order to strengthen the campus epidemic prevention and avoid the increase in the probability of infection after the travel of teachers and students for the family reunion during the Mid-Autumn Festival, we will conduct “Synchronous Online Courses” from 9/13 to 9/26 and resume in-person instruction on campus on 9/27.  

Meanwhile, we will readjust the epidemic prevention on campus according to CECC’s announcement at any time.  If the “Synchronous Online Courses” is to be continued due to the impact of the epidemic, please be sure to prepare, assist and cooperate at any time to safeguard the health of teachers and students throughout the school while maintaining the quality of teaching.

Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in protecting everyone in Wenzao.
May peace be with you all.


Sincerely yours,
