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歐盟與台灣關係最新變化與未來展望 Latest Evolutions in EU-Taiwan Relations and Perspectives

發布日期 2023-05-09 15:11:00

 Latest Evolutions in
EU-Taiwan Relations and Perspectives 


Looking at recent developments in the European Union attitudes vis-a-vis China one may wonder what exactly is the direction, since contradicting messages seem to have been sent, and this obviously has an impact on the EU positioning in the Taiwan issue. A lookback at some elements of continuity could still help understand how the navigation is less hazardous than looks. A twin approach to business and security stakes will also be taken to see more clearly through what sometimes looks like a puzzling message.


主講人 Speaker:Jean-François DI MEGLIO

Associate professor at Sciences Po Paris (PSIA) and Paris Dauphine PSL University, and Chair of Asia Centre.

間 Date:112年5月17日星期三下午3:10-5:00

3:10 p.m. Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

地點Location:至善樓Z1307會議室 Room Z1307 of the Zhishang Hall

語言 Language: 英文 English icon

報名 Sign Up:https://reurl.cc/ml84AW icon

主辦單位 Organizer:歐盟觀光文化經貿園區European Union Center、歐洲研究所 Graduate Institute of European Studies、教育部112年學生事務與輔導工作經費


