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【教材組】「開放式教科書」(Open Textbooks)專頁上線,歡迎師長規劃課程利用與參考 Teachers are welcome to use Open Textbooks resources

發布日期 2023-08-30 14:07:00






網頁連結: 文藻教發開放式教科書網頁


敬祝 教安

教師發展中心 教材組 敬啟


Dear faculty members,


With the feature of knowledge sharing, Open Textbooks bring the possibility of innovation to education. It can not only help reduce the financial burden of students but also provide teachers with more teaching flexibility to create a more diversified learning environment.

In order to encourage teachers to make full use of open textbooks, we have added an introduction to "Open Textbooks" on the website of our center. Teachers and students in Wenzao are welcome to use them.


Website: Introduction to "Open Textbooks"



Teaching Materials Section

Center for Faculty Development