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【改為線上同步辦理】【因餐點已訂,敬請到校參與】2023/9/5「112學年度教師專業知能成長研習會」【Change to Online Meeting】2023 Professional Development Conference for Faculty on Sep. 5, 2023

發布日期 2023-09-04 16:19:00







  1. 會議室網址:https://reurl.cc/nL6N1v
  2. 方式:Microsoft Teams


  1. 議程:https://reurl.cc/1eky6W
  2. 簽到:請掃描線上QRcode進行簽到。
  3. 餐點:餐點已訂,敬請到校參與,擬會送至各系所中心辦公室及行政主管辦公室,教師兼一二級行政主管的餐點將統一送至行政辦公室。
  4. 聯絡人:吳姿嫻小姐,分機2913e-mailfd3003@mail.wzu.edu.tw




敬祝 平安喜樂


教師發展中心 敬啟


Dear faculty members and chiefs of administration,


Hope all is well with you.


The 2023 Professional Development Conference for Faculty is scheduled to take place on Sep. 5, 2023 from 8:20 to 16:00.


Due to heavy rain affecting the venue, it has been changed to an online synchronous conference.


  1. Meeting Links: https://reurl.cc/nL6N1v
  2. Method: Microsoft Teams
    (ID & Password: ID@ms.wzu.edu.tw and password as SSO)
  3. Agenda: https://reurl.cc/y61KE8 
  4. Sign in: Please scan the online QR code for sign-in.
  5. Lunch: Refreshments and packed lunches have been ordered, please come to the school to participate. They will also be delivered to department and administrative offices.
  6. Contact: Ms. Julie Wu, at phone extension 2913, fd3003@mail.wzu.edu.tw.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.


Best regards,


Center for Faculty Development