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112學年度教研大師定點諮詢服務 Writing and Publications Consultation Offered

發布日期 2023-09-14 14:59:00

Dear faculty members,

Thank you all for your prompt attention and time.


This is a letter cordially inform you that Two On-site Consultation Sessions are provided as  Associate Professor Aiden Yeh from the Department of English is invited to hold the sessions.


  • Theme: Writing and Publications
  • Content: Faculty members who wish to publish or have pending manuscripts awaiting publications may come and see me. I can spend the first few minutes discussing how I do it i.e., individual and/or collaborative writing, overcoming challenges, brewing ideas from their own classes and expertise. Topics can be interdisciplinary. Teachers and graduate students who are interested in writing papers on discourse (politics, race, gender, etc.) and those interested in digital humanities (big data collection using corpus from web scraped data) are very much welcome as a huge part of my work is on corpus-based discourse analysis. Pedagogy-related themes can also be explored.
  • Dates: Session 1: October 25, 12-1 noon

     Session 2: November 29, 12-1 noon

  • Venue: Meeting Room of Center for Faculty Development (Library 4th Floor)


Kindly please do not miss the sessions offered and thus enroll now at https://reurl.cc/ka56ed. The sessions will be open for sign-up until October 11, 2023. An addressed notice is that the consultation does not provide research papers and/or include any document revision.


Further requests will be welcomed to contact Ms. Julie Wu, phone extension #2913, E-mailfd3003@mail.wzu.edu.tw


Best regards,


Instruction Section

Center for Faculty Development