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【圖書館】10/2 圖書館資訊系統夜間停機3小時公告

發布日期 2023-09-28 10:27:00

圖書館預定於10月2日(一) 20:00至23:00進行圖書館資訊系統第二階段移機作業,作業期間將暫停館藏目錄查詢、個人借閱紀錄查詢、線上續借及預約等線上服務,若提前完工則隨即恢復服務。 


Library System Downtime from 20:00 Monday, Oct. 2 for 3 hours  

The library is scheduled to perform the library servers migration starting from 20:00 to 23:00 Monday, October 2nd. During this period, services such as online catalog searching, personal record viewing, online renewals, or online reservations will NOT be available. Services will be resume as normal once the work is completed.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.