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冰島與國際關係:世界政治之小國生存之道 Iceland and the International System: A Small State's Search for Shelter in World Politics

發布日期 2023-10-06 16:34:00

 Iceland and the International System:
A Small State's Search for
Shelter in World Politics 


In this lecture, Dr. Thorsteinn Kristinsson will introduce Iceland and discuss its place in world politics. The lecture will draw on theories in small state studies, particularly Shelter Theory. The aim is to explain how Iceland's position as a small state has influenced its relations with its larger neighbours through the years, as well as its participation in international and regional institutions.


主講人 Speaker:Thorsteinn Kristinsson

Department of Political Science,Lund University , Sweden

間 Date:112年10月18日星期三下午3:10-5:00

3:10 p.m. Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

地點Location:文瑞樓R404教室 Room R404 of the Wenruey Hall

語言 Language: 英文 English icon

報名 Sign Up:https://reurl.cc/9RRgvd icon

主辦單位 Organizer:歐盟觀光文化經貿園區European Union Center、歐洲研究所 Graduate Institute of European Studies、教育部112年學生事務與輔導工作經費


