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高雄,能夠脫亞入歐嗎?Kaohsiung, Go Beyond Asia and Look Up To Europe!

發布日期 2023-11-15 13:10:00


 Kaohsiung, Go Beyond Asia and Look Up To Europe!

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155 年前日本明治維新,奠定日本成為現代化國家,世界強權之一。台灣不管在經濟、政治、文化、軍事,都在中、美、日三強的對抗中求生與發展。台灣必須來一場維新運動,向歐洲學習。高雄,能夠脫亞入歐嗎?

155 years ago, Japan underwent the Meiji Restoration, paving the way for its transformation into a modernized nation and a global powerhouse. Taiwan, whether in terms of economy, politics, culture, or military, has navigated its survival and development amid the competition among the three major powers: China, the United States, and Japan. Taiwan must initiate a reform movement, reminiscent of the Meiji Restoration, and draw inspiration from Europe. Can Kaohsiung go beyond m Asia and align itself with Europe?

主講人 Speaker:吳益政 Wu Yi-Chen

Master's Degree in International Affairs and Public Affairs, Columbia University, USA
Five-term Kaohsiung City Councilor
Initiator of the Climate Change Committee at the Kaohsiung City Council
Advocate for green architecture, light rail, shared bicycles, and the preservation and reuse of old houses in Kaohsiung.

時間 Date:112年11月22日星期三下午3:10-5:00

3:10 p.m. Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

地點Location:文瑞樓R402教室 Room R402 of the Wenruey Hall

語言 Language: 中文 Mandarin icon

報名 Sign Up:https://reurl.cc/L6xzG4 icon

主辦單位 Organizer:歐盟觀光文化經貿園區European Union Center、歐洲研究所 Graduate Institute of European Studies、教育部112年學生事務與輔導工作經費


