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發布日期 2023-11-24 13:48:00


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活動場地 Venue:行政大樓A313 國際會議廳  A313 International Conference Hall


No registration is required. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early. Free Admission.

電影皆有中英文字幕 Films with CN & EN subtitles




The Mine
芬蘭 Finland

Fri 18:30    
A313 國際會議廳


年輕且富有野心的公務員Jussi,負責審核芬蘭北部一座巨大鎳鈾礦的環評許可證。富有領導氣質、見多識廣的Pekka Perä是塔爾瓦瓦拉(Talvivaara)礦山負責人,他引進一種全新的採礦方式,在斯堪的納維亞半島最貧困的地區之一創造就業機會。Jussi漸漸發現自己遭人誤導,而新的採礦方式也出現他沒有預見到的嚴重弊端。礦山造成的環境隱患被刻意隱瞞。
A young and ambitious civil servant Jussi finds himself being in charge of the environmental permit of a huge nickel and uranium mine in Lapland. The Talvivaara mine, led by a charismatic globe trotting visionary Pekka Perä is introducing an entirely new method of collecting minerals whilst creating jobs in one of the poorest areas in Scandinavia. Jussi slowly discovers that he has been led astray by several people and that the new method has serious downsides he did not foresee. The mine is causing environmental hazards that are being hushed down. A new application for another permit is brought to his table by the same mine. Along with the application comes an interesting job offer and a chance of a new beginning. Jussi has to decide whether he will play along and if so, with whom.

普遍級、所有觀眾皆可觀賞  G : General Audience


Above Water
法國 France

Wed 18:30

A313 國際會議廳

12 歲的胡拉耶住在尼日爾,每天要走幾公里路去取水。村裡齊心協力修了一口水井。對於那些從出生起就在水上行走的人來說,這是新生活的承諾。12-years-old Houlaye lives in Niger, and travels several kilometers each day to fetch water. The village got together to construct a well. This is the promise of a new life for people who have literally been walking on water since birth.
普遍級、所有觀眾皆可觀賞  G : General Audience

icon   氣候短篇故事
Climate Stories
英國 Britain

Fri 18:30     
A313 國際會議廳

六部短片分別為《黑色荊棘》《伊芙》《完整無缺》《承諾》《讓地球裡面的豬平靜下來》《地球之歌》Six short films are Blackthorn,Eve, To Keep As One, The Promise, To Calm the Pig Inside, Songs of the Earth .
保護級、未滿六歲不得觀賞、未滿十二歲需成人陪同觀賞 PG : Parental Guidance Suggested


Corro Da Te (Run To You)
義大利 Italy

Sat 10:00      

A313 國際會議廳

玩世不恭的Gianni英俊、多金、堅持單身。身為情場高手的他無時無刻都在把妹,當他遇到了活潑外向的Chiara,一場意外導致她下半身癱瘓,卻不影響她正向生活的態度。Gianni從她身上學到很多,漸漸改變了自己對許多事情的看法,也對她產生了完全不同的感情。The life of serial seducer Gianni is destined to change when he meets Chiara, a beautiful woman who has had an accident and is a paraplegic.
保護級、未滿六歲不得觀賞、未滿十二歲需成人陪同觀賞 PG : Parental Guidance Suggested


My Love Affair with Marriage
盧森堡 Luxembourg

Sat 13:00      

A313 國際會議廳

年輕活潑的女子澤爾瑪決心順服神話塞壬的壓力,以獲得愛,但她越順從,身體就越抗拒。一個關於女性內心叛逆的故事。A young spirited woman, Zelma, is determined to conform to the pressures of singing Mythology Sirens in order to be loved, but the more she conforms, the more her body resists. A story of inner female rebellion.
輔導十二歲級、未滿十二歲不得觀賞 PG-12 : Parents Strongly Cautioned


The Other Dream Team
立陶宛 Lithuania

Wed 18:30     
A313 國際會議廳

1992 年立陶宛籃球隊的令人難以置信的故事,其運動員在蘇聯統治下奮鬥,成為立陶宛獨立運動的象徵,並在「感恩而死」組織的幫助下,在巴塞隆納奧運會上取得了勝利。The incredible story of the 1992 Lithuanian basketball team, whose athletes struggled under Soviet rule, became symbols of Lithuania's independence movement, and - with help from the Grateful Dead - triumphed at the Barcelona Olympics.
保護級、未滿六歲不得觀賞、未滿十二歲需成人陪同觀賞 PG : Parental Guidance Suggested


Strawberry Days
瑞典 Sweden

Fri 18:30      
A313 國際會議廳

波蘭客工的兒子和瑞典農民的女兒的愛情故事。它以瑞典南部的草莓田為背景,描繪了一個充滿分歧和偏見的世界。A love story of the son of a Polish guestworker and the daughter of a Swedish farmer. Set in the strawberry fields of the Swedish south, it depicts a world full of divergency and prejudice.
保護級、未滿六歲不得觀賞、未滿十二歲需成人陪同觀賞 PG : Parental Guidance Suggested


Lola Vers La Mer
比利時 Belgium

Fri 18:30      

A313 國際會議廳

18 歲的跨性別女孩蘿拉得知自己終於可以接受手術了;她的母親本來應該在經濟上支持她,但她去世了。為了尊重她的遺願,兩年不見、互相對立的蘿拉和父親被迫前往比利時海岸。一路走來,他們會發現,旅程的結果或許不是他們所期望的。

Lola, 18 years old, bleach blonde hair, lives in a foster home with Samir, her only friend. Impulsive and lonely, she is trying to get her diploma as a veterinary assistant. When her mother passes away, her father Phillip makes sure that Lola will miss the ceremony. Two years before that, Philip was throwing her out of the family home: at the time, Lola was still Lionel - Philippe is determined to fulfill Catherine's last wish: to be dispersed to the North Sea, in the dunes of her childhood home. Lola on the other hand is furious against her father, but she will not leave her mother alone in this last journey. So they take off together, both unwilling to share a car but determined to take Catherine home.
保護級、未滿六歲不得觀賞、未滿十二歲需成人陪同觀賞 PG : Parental Guidance Suggested