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【圖書館】敬邀觀賞文藻圖書館與國立臺灣圖書館合作舉辦的「馳風行旅」特展 Invitation to Poster Exhibit on Taiwan's Railway History and Rail Travel

發布日期 2024-03-07 09:04:00








圖書館 敬邀


Invitation to Poster Exhibit on Taiwan’s Railway History and Rail Travel


The Library is to showcase the history of Taiwan’s rail transport and travel. These posters are borrowed from the special and rare collection at the National Taiwan Library. You are cordially invited to have a glimpse of the development of Taiwan’s railway since the end of 19th century through the collection of historical materials from National Taiwan Library.


Date: March 11-29, 2024 | Library Opening Hours

Venue: Library 1st Floor


Wenzao Library