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【圖書館】「2023 Openbook好書獎」特展與作家講座邀您共享Invitation to Visit Book Exhibit of “2023 Openbook Award” and Author Talks

發布日期 2024-03-13 17:08:00


春天正是讀書天,1995年聯合國教科文組織將4月23日訂為「世界圖書與版權日」,又稱「世界閱讀日」,文藻圖書館為響應此閱讀盛事,將於4月舉辦「2023 Openbook好書獎」特展及作家講座。

「Openbook好書獎」每年年底精選出年度好書,透過中文創作、生活書、翻譯書、童書及青少年圖書等多元類型,多年來建立了眾人共同的知識圖譜。自4月1日起,圖書館將於1F舉辦「2023 Openbook好書獎」特展。這些得獎書籍是從初選2,568 本,複選842本,決選204本,最終所選出的40本好書。

4月10日也將結合書展舉辦作家講座,特別邀請「2023 Openbook好書獎」得獎作品「從前,有個錄影帶店」的作者葉郎先生蒞校。葉郎先生將從販賣部觀點的電影史,試圖解答:原產於南美洲的玉米,究竟是如何千里長征到新大陸並和電影院結為連理?台灣人什麼時候開始吃爆米花和燒番麥?而爆米花和洋芋片又是怎麼透過美軍的跳島戰術一路跳到日本列島,並成為哥吉拉電影的好伴侶?邀請各位師生一起來讀&聽好書,逐步重拾閱讀的樂趣。



I. 好書特展





1.「2023 Openbook好書獎是怎麼選出來的

2.「2023 Openbook好書獎得獎書單及完整專題,全文連結

3.2023 Openbook好書獎」作家得獎感言

4. 文藻圖書館「2023 Openbook好書獎館藏連結

II. 作家講座


日期:2024年4月10日(三) 15:10-17:00



簡介:文字工,電影成癮以及資訊焦慮重症。二十多年前從報紙的影評專欄開始寫起。接著逆向行駛,避開被過度議論的院線電影和熱門話題,寫長文、寫舊事,在社群媒體時代成為獨樹一格的標誌。Facebook粉絲專頁「異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote」是葉郎試探影評以外寫作路徑的場域。從電影音樂、影史八卦寫到當下的產業觀察,在不同時空、不同生產(和消費)環節的向度上延伸出一條電影書寫的新支線——關於人和電影互動關係的「裏電影」視角。第一本著作《從前,有個錄影帶店》衍生自2021年線上實驗性企劃「錄影帶生與死」,藉由寫作平臺方格子vocus進行為期10個月的主題寫作計畫,挑戰一口氣講完8萬字的錄影帶世代故事。








Invitation to Visit Book Exhibit of “2023 Openbook Award” and Author Talks


April 23 was designated by UNESCO in 1995 as the World Book Day, a day for worldwide celebration of books and reading. This date also marks the death date for both William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. To celebrate the World Book Day, Wenzao Library holds a special exhibition of "2023 Openbook Award" winning books and a lecture by an award-winning author Ye Lang.

The "Openbook Award" selects good books published in Taiwan every year. Categories of Award include Chinese Books of the Year, Best Books in Translation, Best Lifestyle and General Nonfiction Books, and Best Books for Children and Young Adults. In addition, author talks are also available online to provide the readers with profound book review. You are cordially invited to visit the book exhibit in the Library and place a hold on the book(s) of your interest and view the author talks on video online. Please find the details as follows.

I.      Book Exhibit of “2023 Openbook Award” and Author Talks on Video

Venue: Library's 1st floor

Date: April 1 - April 28, 2024

II.     Face to Face with Author Ye Lang

Topic: A Brief History of Movie Theater Popcorn

Venue: Multi-purpose Learning Studio, Library's 8th floor

Date: April 10, 2024 from 15:10-17:00

Online Registration: https://enroll.wzu.edu.tw//WZActivityFront/#/Activity/Detail?Id=1137

**Luck Draw Gifts for Attendees: a limited amount of books signed by the author