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【講座Speech】Czechia: Where Europe Meets Asia 亞洲與歐洲相遇在捷克 // 捷克–第一個擁有印太策略的中歐國家

發布日期 2024-04-16 12:02:00

【講座Speech】Czechia: Where Europe Meets Asia 亞洲與歐洲相遇在捷克

How come that Czechia, a landlocked country in Central Europe has such deep ties with East Asia? Come to find out how Czechia, the first country in Central Europe with its own Indo-Pacific strategy, connects Europe to Taiwan, Japan, and other Asian countries and how it inspires other European countries to follow the suit.’

捷克是個中歐內陸國家,究竟如何與東亞結下深厚的緣分?讓我們一起來認識, 捷克–第一個擁有印太策略的中歐國家 ,將歐洲與台灣、日本和其他亞洲國家串聯起來,並且引發其他歐洲國家起而效之

◇時間 Time:113年4月24日(三) 15:10
                     3:10 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, 2024

◇地點 Location:文瑞樓R301教室
                           R301 of Wen Ruei Hall

◇報名 Sign Up:https://reurl.cc/702ZVk

◇講座語言 Language:英文 English

◇講者 Speaker:David Toman is an analyst in the Red Watch Program and he primarily focuses on Japan. David graduated first with a Master’s degree in Media Studies and then successfully completed a second Master’s degree in International Relations at Charles University. During his studies he spent five months as an exchange student at Waseda University in Tokyo (majoring in International Culture and Communication Studies). After graduation, he worked in the cabinet of the Vice President of the European Commission Dubravka Šuica in the framework of the Blue Book traineeship programme.
David Toman是「紅色監控計畫」中的分析師,主要負責日本地區。他擁有媒體研究碩士學位和國際關係碩士學位。在學期間,他曾於東京早稻田大學進行五個月的交換學生(主修國際文化與傳播研究)。畢業後,他加入歐盟委員會副主席杜Dubravka Šuica的團隊,進行藍皮書實習計畫。