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【活動預告】 113學年度第一學期英/外語迷你口語俱樂部-德國篇即日起113/9/19(四)12:00止開放報名!!

發布日期 2024-08-27 10:32:00

英/外語能力診斷輔導中心於即日起至113/9/19(四)12:00止開放報名迷你俱樂部 (小班制口語課程),可自選語言,搭配不同核心主題,挑戰您的英/外語潛力無極限!
填寫Google報名表: https://reurl.cc/GpeMn3待通知配對成功後至中心繳納保證金 報名完成
課程週數: 每週2小時,8週課程,共計16小時。
開課日期: 由中心人員安排小老師和學生共同上課的時間並通知繳費成功後,即可開始上課。
每班人數: 4-5人即開班 (同學自行組班上課,由您決定想跟誰當同學!)
課程方式: 由駐德小老師Ray 帶你線上實境遊德國,與小老師進行8週口說練習。
保證金 一人1,000元整
印刷費 一人100元整
詳情請電洽07-3426031分機7403或親洽英/外語能力診斷輔導中心 (露德樓3F)
英/外語能力診斷輔導中心 敬啟
Dear all,
 If you are interested in advancing language skills with your friends, the special edition Mini Oral Club for Germany is what you are looking for.
Here is a kind reminder:
Please invite at least four fellow students at Wenzao, and then you can start to register online (https://reurl.cc/GpeMn3) from now to September 19th (12:00p.m.)
Each students group will be assigned to one of LDCC tutors. These tutors are very qualified to help peers improve their language proficiency level.
*Please be aware that we cannot guarantee you a Mini Oral Club as it is subject to the matching of your group's availability and the time slots offered by LDCC tutors.*
The Mini Oral Club will take place for 2 hours a week for 8 weeks. Once you have registered successfully, LDCC will inform you of paying a deposit (NT $1000 per person) and the photocopying fees (NT$100 per person).
If you are punctual for class all the time, attend each class session, and complete the pre-/post-test, you will have the deposit (NT1,000 per person) returned and a certificate in the course.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Sally! (email: ldcc@mail.wzu.edu.tw/ tel:(07)342-6031#7403)
What are you waiting for? Come and join us! See you at LDCC!!
Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center (LDCC)