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發布日期 2025-02-06 13:42:00

一、 目的



二、 徵件資訊

  • 申請期限:即日起至1140320()止。
  • 徵件方式:請填寫附件一申請表及投稿者聲明書、附件二教案徵件內容(至多2),並於申請期限內將上述徵件資料印出後,經由單位主管核章,送至教學發展中心。
  • 申請對象:本校專任教師、專案教師。
  • 教案內容:設計融入人工智慧數位科技之教案、教學評量或作業出題等至少涵蓋六週課程內容。
  • 分享會:獲通過的教案,將須參加教案分享會(預計在114學年度第一學期),進行課程教案分享(具體形式及場地將另行通知)
  • 審核結果:預計於4月底公布審核結果。


三、 獎勵說明

() 經費來源:高教深耕計畫經費。

() 相關事項:將邀請專家學者組成評審委員會進行審議,通過者每案可獲得至多新臺幣8,000元獎勵金,每人至多獎勵1案。同一課程若有多名教師授課,可以共同申請,獎勵金依人數比例分配。


四、 辦理單位及聯絡資訊:




  • 注意事項
  • 投件應以113學年度第2學期所授課程為標的,教案內容以自行設計為主,並應注意智慧財產權相關規定。如有違反,相關法律責任由投件者自行負責。
  • 獲通過教案之著作權歸屬於本校教務處教學發展中心,本中心擁有推廣、借閱、公布、印製、發行、重製及公開展示播放、上網等權利,且不另支付酬勞或任何費用,並不作為商業活動之教材。
  • 本教案側重於「AI 工具的教學實踐」,如針對特定教學場景(如 AI 自動翻譯、AI 輔助寫作等)6 週以上之具體課程設計。本教案的內容可作為未來創新課程計畫與教學實踐研究計畫的參考,並可進一步擴展為更完整的課程設計,強調「AI 在課程中的應用方法」與「學生學習成效」的整體實踐與研究。


The Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Technology into Lesson Plans


  1. Purpose

With the rapid transformation of higher education due to artificial intelligence technology, this project aims to encourage teachers to utilize AI technology to develop innovative and diverse teaching content, enhancing students' interest and engagement in learning. For this reason, we are holding a lesson plan submission and plan to hold a lesson plan sharing conference to promote the exchange of experiences among teachers and discuss effective ways to integrate AI technology into teaching strategies.

  1. Information
    1. Application Deadline: From now until March 20, 2025 (Friday).
    2. Submission Method: Please fill out Attachment 1 (Application Form), Attachment 2 (Lesson Plan Submission Content, maximum of 2 pages), and Attachment 3 (Contributor Declaration). Print the above submission materials, have them stamped by the unit supervisor, and submit them to the Center for Teaching & Learning Development within the application deadline.
    3. Eligible Applicants: Full-time faculty and Contract faculty of the university.
    4. Lesson Plan Content: Design lesson plans that integrate artificial intelligence digital technology, including teaching assessments or assignment questions, covering at least six weeks of course content.
    5. Sharing Session: Approved teaching plans must be presented at a teaching plan sharing session (tentatively scheduled for mid-September). The specific format and venue will be announced separately.
    6. Review Results: The results are expected to be announced by the end of May 2025.
  2. Reward Description
    1. Funding Source: Higher Education Deep Cultivation Program funds.
    2. Related Matters: A committee of experts and scholars will be invited to review the submissions. Each approved proposal may receive a reward of up to NT$8,000, with each person eligible for a maximum of one proposal. If multiple teachers are involved in the same course, they may apply jointly, and the reward will be distributed proportionally based on the number of participants.
  3. Organizer & Contact
    1. Organizer: Center for Teaching & Learning Development, Academic Affairs Office.
    2. Contact: Mr. Mike Wu at extension 2911, E-mail: aa9502@mail.wzu.edu.tw.
  4. Important Notes
    1. Submissions should focus on courses taught in the first semester of the 2024 academic year. The lesson plan content should be primarily self-designed, and attention must be paid to relevant intellectual property regulations. Any violations will be the sole responsibility of the submitter.
    2. The copyright of approved lesson plans will belong to the Center for Teaching & Learning Development, Academic Affairs Office. The center reserves the rights to promote, borrow, publish, print, distribute, reproduce, publicly display, and post online without additional compensation or fees, and these materials will not be used for commercial activities.