【填問卷抽好禮】本校行政服務滿意度問卷調查 Complete Administrative Services Satisfaction Survey for a chance to win prize
發布日期 2025-03-03 10:51:00
祝 平安喜樂
人事室 敬上
Dear faculty & staff colleagues,
In order to improve the quality of our administrative services, we are conducting a campus-wide "Administrative Service Satisfaction Survey" from now until 7 April 2025. Through this survey, we will be able to understand the satisfaction of our staff and students with the quality of our administrative services, which will serve as a reference for improving administrative services in the future. Staff and students are welcome to complete the survey form online. https://reurl.cc/xpVrj1
Your answer is only for the reference of subsequent statistical analysis, not open to the public, please fill in the experience of interaction with various units, and please do not hesitate to encourage the excellent quality of service units, looking forward to your comments and encouragement, please fill in the answer, thank you!
Anyone who fills out the questionnaire completely will be randomly selected by computer to receive a list of prizes, including 20 cash prizes of 500 RMB, and the recipients will be limited to the staff and students of the university.
Lucky Draw Rules and Regulations::
- The Personnel Office is expected to publish the list of winners in mid-June 2025 on the University's website > Personnel Office Announcement and will notify the winners separately.
- If the number of respondents is insufficient, the Personnel Office may extend the deadline for responses and postpone the lottery date.
- The publication format of the winners' list will be handled in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.
- Winners must pick up the prize in person to Personnel Office before the specified deadline. Late collection will not be accepted and the prize will not be awarded.
- Participants are deemed to agree to and comply with the regulations and precautions of this activity upon submitting the questionnaire. If personal information is incomplete or false, or if participants are found to engage in illegal or inappropriate behavior during the activity, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify them from winning any prizes.
Prayers and blessings to you all,
Personnel Office