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【圖書館】「2024 Openbook好書獎」特展與作家講座邀您共享Invitation to Visit Book Exhibit of 2024 Openbook Award and Author Talks

發布日期 2025-03-12 16:15:00


春天正是讀書天,1995年聯合國教科文組織將4月23日訂為「世界圖書與版權日」,又稱「世界閱讀日」,文藻圖書館為響應此閱讀盛事,將於3月底舉辦「2024 Openbook好書獎」特展及作家講座。

「Openbook好書獎」每年年底精選出年度好書,透過中文創作、生活書、翻譯書、童書及青少年圖書等多元類型,多年來建立了眾人共同的知識圖譜。自3月24日起,圖書館將於一樓舉辦「2024 Openbook好書獎」特展。這些得獎書籍是從初選2,521 本,複選766本,決選202本,最終所選出的40本好書。

3月27日,書展期間特別舉辦作家講座,誠摯邀請「2024 Openbook好書獎」得獎作品《一位女性殺人犯的素描》作者胡慕情女士蒞校分享。胡慕情女士將從如何通過深度訪談,挖掘隱藏在案件背後的真實故事,並讓大眾看到事件的多面性。為何在書寫這些故事時,會反思是否會對受訪者造成二次傷害,並如何減少這樣的後座力。如何確保自己的報導具備公共性,避免將案件誇張化或僅為吸引眼球,而是促使讀者理解更深層的社會脈絡。誠摯邀請師生們共襄盛舉,與我們一同閱讀與聆聽,重新找回閱讀的樂趣!


I. 好書特展





1.「2024 Openbook好書獎是怎麼選出來的

2.「2024 Openbook好書獎得獎書單及完整專題,全文連結

3.2024 Openbook好書獎」作家得獎感言

4. 文藻圖書館「2024 Openbook好書獎館藏連結

II. 作家講座


日期:2025年3月27日(四) 15:10-17:00








Invitation to Visit Book Exhibit of “2024 Openbook Award” and Author Talks


April 23 was designated by UNESCO in 1995 as the World Book Day, a day for worldwide celebration of books and reading. This date also marks the death date for both William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. To celebrate the World Book Day, Wenzao Library holds a special exhibition of "2024 Openbook Award" winning books and a lecture by an award-winning author Daphne Hu.


The "Openbook Award" selects good books published in Taiwan every year. Categories of Award include Chinese Books of the Year, Best Books in Translation, Best Lifestyle and General Nonfiction Books, and Best Books for Children and Young Adults. In addition, author talks are also available online to provide the readers with profound book review. You are cordially invited to visit the book exhibit in the Library and place a hold on the book(s) of your interest and view the author talks on video online. Please find the details as follows.


I. Book Exhibit of “2024 Openbook Award”


Venue: Library's 1st floor


Date: March 24 - April 20, 2025


II. Face to Face with Author Daphne Hu


Topic: Nonfiction Writing on Social Issues


Venue: Multi-purpose Learning Studio, Library's 8th floor


Date: March 27, 2025 from 15:10-17:00


Online Registration: https://enroll.wzu.edu.tw//WZActivityFront/#/Activity/Detail?Id=1463


**Luck Draw Gifts for Attendees: a limited amount of books signed by the author