文藻英文系學生於2024亞洲會展青年競賽獲得「特別榮譽獎」(Special Recognition Award)
時間 2024.11.25
獲獎日期 2024.11.25
獎項類別 語言競賽
獎項性質 國際性
競賽名稱/主辦單位 2024亞洲會展青年競賽/Asian Federation of Exhibition and Convention Associations
得獎名次 特別榮譽獎
得獎團體/學生系級/姓名/教師 英文系/日二技三年級林思瑜、四技四年級王梅勵(Janice Christianto)、四技四年級李依秦與四技四年級陳永俊(Si Thu Aung)/指導老師白豐碩老師
系科名稱 英國語文系
指導老師 指導老師白豐碩老師
文藻英文系學生林思瑜、王梅勵(Janice Christianto)、李依秦與陳永俊(Si Thu Aung),於2024年11月5日參加在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉辦的「亞洲會展青年競賽」(AFECA Asia MICE Youth Challenge),以創新提案和生動表演脫穎而出,獲得「特別榮譽獎」(Special Recognition Award)。獲獎消息已刊載於AFECA官方臉書專頁。
今年台灣在「中華民國展覽暨會議商業同業公會」指導與協助之下,總共派出三支隊伍。文藻英文系學生團隊以「PRINTelligence: AI-Driven 3D Printing and Disaster Management」(PRINTelligence:AI驅動3D列印與災害管理)為題,規劃在高雄籌辦一場國際級專業研討會,討論將人工智慧與3D列印技術應用於災害管理,此外更規劃廠商展區和教育展區,歡迎一般大眾參加,致力打造一場融合科技創新、教育推廣、寓教於樂的國際盛會。
Wenzao English Department Won Special Recognition Award at AFECA Asia MICE Youth Challenge 2024
The student team from Wenzao's Department of English, including Lin Sih-yu, Janice Christianto, Lee Yi-chin and Si Thu Aung, participated in the AFECA Asia MICE Youth Challenge held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on November 5, 2024. Their innovative proposal and dynamic performance distinguished them from numerous competitors, earning them the Special Recognition Award. The news of their achievement was announced on the official AFECA Facebook page.
Taiwan sent three representative teams to this competition this year, with the support of the Taiwan Exhibition and Convention Association (TECA). The Wenzao English Department team, with their proposal titled "PRINTelligence: AI-Driven 3D Printing and Disaster Management," planned to organize an international conference in Kaohsiung. The event featured a professional symposium on applying artificial intelligence and 3D printing technology to disaster management. Additionally, they planned to set up an industrial exhibition zone and an educational exhibition zone open to the general public, aiming to create an international event that combined technological innovation, educational promotion, and entertainment.
The Department of English will continue to hold selections for students to join international MICE competitions. All interested students are welcome to apply.
相關資訊網址: https://reurl.cc/7dZxpd