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【日四技共同英文課程】106學年度第2學期共同英文期中考試規定及請假相關事宜(Regulations related to 106-2General English Midterm Examination and application for leave)

發布日期 2018-04-10 16:11:00




1. 筆試當日事假一律不准,無故缺席者成績以零分計算。

2. 除已核准公假與因急病或意外緊急就醫無法參加考試,可給予補考外,其餘一律無補考。

3. 筆試考試除了20分鐘後不得入場,30分鐘內不得出場之規定外,若考試途中學生身體有突發狀況,請老師備妥手機打07-34260312121(教務處)詢問如何處理。

4. 緊急就醫請假,必須在測驗開始後20分鐘內,向承辦單位課務組(分機2122-2124) 聯繫(打電話)請假,並於測驗當日下午前繳交診斷證明,才得完成病假申請。


1. 口試當日事假一律不准。
2.  如因緊急就醫請假,得於測驗開始後20分鐘內,向英語教學中心(分機5903)聯繫(打電話)請假,並於測驗當日下午前繳交診斷證明。口試補考成績以80%計算。如果未通知英語教學中心,則口試成績以零分計算。
3. 遲到之處理與成績計算,請洽任課老師。

Dear students,
Please pay attention to the following regulations related to General English Midterm Examination and application for leave.

Written Test

  1.   On the day of examination, no personal or sick leave will be permitted. Scores for absentees without causes will be marked zero.
    2.  No makeup exams will be given to absentees, except those in emergency cases such as serious accidents or acute diseases or on official leave approved of in advance.
    3. 20 minutes after the start of the written test, students will not be permitted to take it, nor will they be allowed to leave the testing room in the first 30 minutes of the test. If a student is suddenly taken ill during the test, the proctoring teacher should inform the Office of Academic Affairs at 07-3426031 ext. 2121 for further arrangement. 
    4. In an emergency case such as a serious accident or an acute disease, a student has to inform Curriculum Section, Office of Academic Affairs at (07)342-6031 ext. 2122~2124 within 20 minutes after the exam starts. The doctor’s diagnosis should be delivered by 5 pm or mailed via post (marked with date) on the day of absence.

Oral Test
1. On the day of examination, no personal leave will be permitted.
2. In an emergency case such as a serious accident or an acute disease, a student has to inform Center for English Language Teaching at (07)342-6031 ext. 5903 within 20 minutes after the test starts. The doctor’s diagnosis should be delivered by 5 pm or mailed via post (marked with date) on the day of absence. The registered results of the oral test will be 80% of the original makeup test scores. If a student does not inform CELT in time of his or her sick leave in such a case, scores of the oral test will be marked zero.
3.  For related policies on late arrival for the oral test, please contact each General English teacher accordingly.