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2019 UMAP 菁英營-活動公告

發布日期 2019-04-18 16:28:00

2019 UMAP-COIL 菁英營招募

UMAP-COIL Honors Program 2019


活動介紹 About the Program



UMAP-COIL is a program where up to 25 students participate in a two-week Peace Boat cruise in the Asia-Pacific region, departing from Osaka and then making stops at various ports for a half-day of field work, as well as university visits in Japan, South Korea, and Russia. The cruise will be enhanced by utilizing the COIL-style educational method.

COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning)為一運用科技(ICT)連結世界各國學生,使其共同參與進行專題研討,以增進學生跨領域知能之教學方法。

COIL stands for “Collaborative Online International Learning”, a form of teaching which uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to connect students in different countries so that they can participate together in projects designed to boost their understanding of various fields or to help them acquire specific skills.


更多活動細節請參閱More on program overview: http://umap.org/programs/#program-umap-coil



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