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English Department Inviting Guest Speakers from All Over the World

發布日期 2019-05-21 11:31:00

     The English Department has invited several professors from universities all over the world to give speeches to our faculty members and students. The guest speakers this semester included Professor Hans Ladegaard, the Head of Department of English of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dr. Dita Golková from University of Hradec Kralove in Czech Republic, Dr. Julia Eka Rini, the Head of the MA Program in Literature of Petra Christian University in Surabaya, Indonesia and Dr. Virginia Shen, Professor of Foreign Languages and Literature from Chicago State University in the States.    


為促進國際學術交流及提升學術研究與教學品質,文藻外語大學英文系邀請各國優秀學者來校演講,為本校師生提供更多學習機會。本學期已邀請來校演講及舉辦工作坊之學者包括:香港理工大學英文系系主任—Dr. Hans Ladegaard教授、來自捷克姊妹校(University of Hradec Kralove)的Dr. Dita Golková,來自印尼泗水Petra Christian University 的英文所所長Dr. Julia Eka Rini,以及來自美國芝加哥州立大學的Dr. Virginia Shen。

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Professor Hans Ladegaard gave a speech on “Intercultural Encounters in the Internationalizing University: Communication, Conflict and Compromise”.

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Professor Hans Ladegaard gave a speech to the faculty and students of Wenzao

香港理工大學英文系系主任-- Hans Ladegaard教授於演講後與本校師生合影

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Dr. Dita Golková’gave a speech about “Significance of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Czech Republic”.

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Dr. Julia Eka Rini taking a photo with the department head and the dean of OICC

this topic

Dr. Virginia Shen presented a speech, “Embracing Diversity: A Comparative Study of Taiwanese and American Cultures.”