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SATU-University of Indonesia暑期營隊-歡迎報名!

發布日期 2019-07-09 10:54:00

SATU-University of Indonesia暑期營隊-歡迎報名
UI CREATES is a 2-week program where students of participating universities can earn 3 credits by taking 1 available subject offered by Universitas Indonesia (UI). Students will not only study the selected course, but will also learn the Indonesian language and culture, go on cultural visits, and join field study  program at selected institutions related to the subject.

Term 5 in 2019:  Aug 4 (Arrival) - Aug 17 (Departure), 2019.
Regarding the course, that we gonna open are 4 courses and each student can put 2 options minimum based on their priority.
1. Indonesian Culture (Faculty of Humanities)
2. ASEAN Plus Three (Faculty of Social and Political Science/part of International Relations)
3. Organizational Behavior / To be confirmed (Faculty of Economics and Business)
4. Sustainable Development (Multidisciplinary Perspective) this course is a main focus of the United Nations Goals..

UI also provide scholarships.
A scholarship that UI can give your students is partial or full scholarships (partial scholarships will be Program or accommodation fees covered by UI ; full scholarships will be program and accommodation fees are covered by UI). The scholarships are very limited with the In First Come - First Serve Basis.

報名截止: 2019716 16:30
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