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2019 Wenzao Cup National Contests for High School Students

發布日期 2019-10-23 09:23:00

2019 Wenzao Cup National Contests for High School Students

On behalf of the Department of English, the Student Association (SA) of Junior College Division organized the annual Wenzao Cup National Contests for High School Students on 10/19 and 10/20. Saturday the 19th was the speech competition, and Sunday the 20th was the storytelling one. The nationwide contestants’ fluency in English was highly applauded, which impressed the judges and made the contests extremely competitive.

The SA spent enormous time and made great effort to host the two-day contests. The former and present SA members developed the rundown of the schedules, rehearsed the events, and evaluated the effectiveness. Kudos to the Student Association which put the events together!

Thanks the faculty who served as the semifinal contest judges, speech as well as storytelling coaches. Thanks the department assistants, Kenny, Yuki, and Sabrina, for helping the SA throughout the contests.

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The 4th Preparatory Meeting the Day Before the 10/19 Event

Another Rehearsal Before the Beginning of the Final Speech Competition

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The Judges Awaiting the First Contestant’s Presentation in the Final Speech Competition The Judges and Hosts at the Storytelling Contest
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The Storytelling Contestants

The Student Association