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2020.03.27 [重要公告] 連假前給師生的一封信

發布日期 2020-03-27 16:30:00





109年4月2日(四)至4月5日(日)為四天連假,但因新冠肺炎疫情影響日益嚴峻,確診病例也持續增加,為了維護健康、安全的校園學習環境,在此提醒您:學校將採取更高規格的防疫措施,以確保全體師生的健康與安全。 以下是重要注意事項,敬請每一位師生都應該詳細閱讀、並遵守:


    一、 連假期間不得出國: 依據教育部臺教文(三)字第1090038993號函,「大專校院自3月18日起至本學期上課結束日止,應避免教職員工生非必要或非急迫之出國。」因出國隨之而來會增加染疫風險、封關風險、居家檢疫14日的不自由…等,都會讓您得不償失,並且,隱匿旅遊史者責任自負。


    二、 不待在密閉空間: 多數餐廳、電影院、網咖、夜店、KTV…等場所通風不佳,人潮聚集,容易感染。建議避免出入公共場所,不群聚,必要外出時全程戴口罩、時時勤洗手,才能保護自己與家人。


其次,業經教育部臺教技(四)字第1090045679A號函同意,本校109年4月6 日(一)至11日(六)期間,全校師生「按表操課」進行同步遠距教學。注意事項如下:


    一、 準時上同步遠距課程:

     (一) 教師應如常點名,當週除特別原因,不予准假,下課後儘速傳送點名資料。若有學生缺席則當天須通報學生事務處,由導師及任課教師聯繫了解其狀況並彙報學校。教師所有課程均側錄上課內容,置放於雲端硬碟或雲端學園。 核假標準:

           1、 病假需附看診證明(如醫療收據、診斷證明書、有日期之診所/ 醫院藥袋等)。

           2、防疫假(公假)需附衛生單位相關通知書。 3、其他假別依本校學生請假辦法辦理。

     (二) 教育部指示學生每日記錄防疫日誌,請點寫以下連結(https://forms.gle/TPPHdebEWRLCHaTL7 ),以利日後可能疫調之需要。

     (三)隔週4月13日至4月18日即為期中考週,請同學專心於課程內容 複習,安心於住家、或學生宿舍進行線上學習。


    二、 進入校園必須出示學生證或識別證:假日、同步遠距教學期間,非必要請勿進入校園。若需進入校園,必須出示學生證或識別證,以供校門警衛查核。




敬祝 平安健康


文藻外語大學 敬上


Dear Wenzaorian,


As the strong and threatening COVID-19 has caused inconvenience in our daily life, and as the four-day holidays (April 2 ~ April 5) are approaching, we would like to draw your attention to the notice below so as to maintain the university in a healthy and safe condition in such a critical epidemic prevention period. We do hope that all students and teachers are in healthy and safe condition. Please note that everyone has to read carefully and abide by the rules and regulations.


1. Do not go abroad during the break. As stated in the MOE document, No. 10900038993 indicating that starting from March 18 till the end of the semester all universities faculty members and students should avoid non-essential travel abroad. Any consequences caused by the traveling are related to a high risk of infection, lockdown, 14-day home quarantine, to name a few. Worse, whoever fails to report the true and real journey history will be responsible for any consequences.


2. Do not stay in an enclosed area in a crowd. Any indoor gathering such as restaurants, movie theaters, cyber café, bars, KTV, and other inappropriate venues may lead to infection clusters. You are strongly urged to avoid exposing yourselves to the threatening COVID-19 and a big crowd. Always wear a face mask and wash hands frequently so as to protect yourselves and your family.


3. Take the online course on time. According to the document issued by Ministry of Education 1090045679A, the university is approved to have a lockdown period from April 6(Mon.) to April 11 (Sat.) and at the same time implement the courses synchronously.


    (1) Teachers should take the regular roll call. No leave application is allowed unless it is a specific, inevitable case. The online roll call should be submitted as soon as possible after class so that the Office of Students’ Affairs can be informed immediately and the absent student(s) can be connected accordingly. Teachers should also record the course content (e.g., a video clip) and then upload it to either Cloud Server or E-cloud. References for leave application:


        i. Sick leave: evidence of medication such as receipt, a diagnosis statement along with valid information, including dated clinic/hospital medicine bag

        ii. Epidemic prevention leave (official leave): official notice issued by the government health organization.

        iii. Other leaves: Please refer to the official regulations of students applying for the leave in university.


    (2) Every student is required to keep an epidemic prevention journal (https://forms.gle/TPPHdebEWRLCHaTL7) which will be retrieved for any upcoming investigation in terms of epidemic prevention.


    (3)Midterm examination is scheduled on April 13 ~ April 18: All students are advised to stay at home / in the dormitory to review lessons or do further online learning.


4. Show your identity: Do not appear on campus on the weekend or during the period of synchronous learning. If you have to, please show your student ID or staff identification card to the porter at the gate.


5. Temperature measurement and activity records: Be sure to wear a face mask after coming back to school on April 13. Temperature measurement will be implemented as usual, and investigations of activity records over the break period will also be done. Please do abide by the rules and regulations mentioned above.


May you in peace and in good health.


Yours truly,


Academic Affairs Office