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2020 Wenzao Cup National English Contests for High School Students

發布日期 2020-11-05 10:47:00

2020 Wenzao Cup National English Contests for High School Students

The 2020 Wenzao Cup National English Contests for High School Students were held on October 24th and 25th. The annual English speech and storytelling competitions gave students the opportunity to compete with the best of English learners at the national level and meet others with the similar interests. As pointed out by one of the judges, fear of public speaking is America’s biggest phobia. These young contestants shall be applauded for their courage, creativity, and English proficiency. All the judges felt honored to hear so much talent.

The Student Association (SA) at the Junior College Division was devoted to organizing the two-day events. A month prior to the competitions, they conducted preparatory meetings to discuss job responsibilities and associated tasks, ranging from decor to venues. The SA had several rehearsals to ensure that the details of events were prepared and coordinated. With the help of the office staff—Kenny, Sabrina, and Yuki, the SA’s efforts, time, teamwork made the Wenzao Cup a success!

The Student Association and Speech Judges

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 A Preparatory Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

A Rehearsal Before the Events

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 The Dress Rehearsal Before the Morning Contest

The Speech Contest

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 The Speech Contest

The Speech Contest

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The Storytelling Contest The Storytelling Contest

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名次 學校 得獎者 指導老師
第一名 文藻外語大學 嚴維伶 陳怡菁
第二名 高雄市立前鎮高級中學 黃馨儀 鄭心雅
第三名 國立金門高中 周子言 翁鼎禕
第四名 國立台南高級商業職業學校 馬瑜君 施昀辰
名次 學校 得獎者 指導老師
第一名 文藻外語大學 林思瑜、劉懿嬅、楊珮涵、黃家銘 吳碧禎
第二名 嘉義縣基督教協同高級中學 王列仰、吳佳勳、林宗憲、賴昱臻 丘婉玉
第二名 明道高級中學 王妘齊、李芸睿、張宇莉、陳箴 江鈺菁
第三名 國立金門高中 洪承君、盧思穎、吳懿珊、楊書絢 翁鼎禕