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靜宜大學舉辦「2020 ITVTI 亞洲商管教育暨女性影響力論壇」,歡迎報名參加。2020 ITVTI International Symposium: Asian Management Education and Advancing Women in Business

發布日期 2020-12-02 10:17:00

靜宜大學舉辦「2020 ITVTI 亞洲商管教育暨女性影響力論壇」,歡迎報名參加。

(三)主題:「亞洲商管教育暨女性影響力」Asian Management Education and Advancing Women in Business,探討商管教育之發展與展望、創新價值、女性影響力(會議議程詳如附件)。




2020 ITVTI International Symposium: Asian Management Education and Advancing Women in Business

•Date: Friday, Dec. 11, 2020
•First session: Asian Management Education (09:00-12:00 @ Taiwan time zone, GMT+8)
◦The Significance of AACSB Accreditation for Business Management Education
◦Innovative Teaching of Management Business Education in Asia
•Second session: Advancing Women in Business (13:15-16:30 @ Taiwan time zone, GMT+8)
◦Women in Senior Corporate Management Roles
◦Women in Corporate Boards
◦Women Entrepreneurship
•Media: Microsoft Teams
•Free to join us! (You can choose which session you would like to join)
Online registration: LINK
•Registration deadline for this forum is Friday, Dec. 4, 2020 (extension).

We will send the confirmation and the corresponding MS Teams link to participants. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

國際暨兩岸合作處 敬上
Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation