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IFCU webinar:【IFCU TALKS – Discover a new course in ethical tech】

發布日期 2020-12-09 11:26:00

IFCU webinar:IFCU TALKS – Discover a new course in ethical tech

* OrganizerInternational Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU)

* ThemeIFCU TALKS – Discover a new course in ethical tech/ An innovative course at the University of Notre Dame

* Time: 2020/12/14(Wednesday) at 10:00pm(TAIWAN)

* Register: https://reurl.cc/n0gjRD

* SpeakerProfs. Don Howard and Mark Bourgeois, Notre Dame University, United States.

Profs. Don Howard and Mark Bourgeois initiated the project and will explain to us the wildly creative design of the course, which features throughout a narrative on a fictional university that prides itself on being a global leader in the deployment of cutting-edge technologies in a pedagogical setting. Each class session begins with an emphatic praise of the latest technological tool by the fictional university’s Chief Innovation Officer, and ends with a stern critical assessment by co-instructors Howard and Bourgeois of the ethical issues involved in the new technology. As future actors and decision-makers in the tech world, students enrolled in the course are not only made aware of the need to fully include the ethical dimension in tech R&D, but they also simply love it!

* Contact: IFCU websitehttps://www.globalcatholiceducation.org/


※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

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Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation