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【轉知徵稿啟事Call for papers】 INTERNATIONAL FORUM on Maritime Spice Trading Routes and Cultural Encounters in Indo Pacific: Past, Present and Future

發布日期 2021-02-22 11:04:00

【轉知徵稿啟事Call for papers INTERNATIONAL FORUM on Maritime Spice Trading Routes and Cultural Encounters in Indo Pacific: Past, Present and Future


研討會日期(Date):15 to 16 June, 2021

研討會方式(Modality: Online virtual forum, Zoom platform, Online exhibition of artworks


相關資訊請見附件(Attached poster)Guidance on Call for Papers


Conference co-hosts:

Universitas Kristen Maranatha (Maranatha Christian University), Bandung, Indonesia

Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China


Yayasan Negeri Rempah, Indonesia            


Topics of interest (but not limited)

For paper and artwork

ü Arts, design, architecture

ü History

ü Culture

ü Language

ü Medicine

ü Cultural heritage, tangible and intangible

ü Religion

ü Educational

ü Economy

ü Technology


Communication LanguagesEnglish/Chinese/Indonesian


Call for paper & artwork

(poster, photography essay, short video)


28 February 2021 Abstract & artwork concept submission deadline

1-8 March 2021 Abstract & artwork concept acceptance deadline

21 May 2021 Full paper/final artwork submission deadline

28 May – 5 June 2021

Full paper/ final artwork acceptance notification & participant registration

Abstract and full paper submission through OCS link address: https://artmaranatha.net/


Keynote speakers

His Excellency Mr Djauhari Oratmangun-Ambassador of Indonesia for People’s Republic of China and Mongolia *(in confirmation)

Dr. Junus Satrio Atmodjo *(in confirmation)

Mr. Hilmar Farid, Ph.D. -Director General Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia *(in confirmation)

Prof. James Chin-Zhejiang University, China

Prof. Xu Liping – China Academy of Science, China

Dr. Dedi S. Adhuri – Indonesian Academy of Science, Indonesia

Qianqian Luli, Ph.D. – Fujian Normal University, China


As output of this international forum, selected papers will be offered:

To be published as book chapters by international publisher (in process)

For submission to related national Sinta indexed scientific journal

Included in E-proceeding with ISBN

National journals


More information, please contact:

Qianqian LULI, Ph.D.

Email: SRIF2021@163.com

Mobile phone: +86 15019483385

Wechat ID: mandarinorange


Elizabeth Susanti, Ph.D.

Email: spiceroute.if@gmail.com

Mobile phone with WA: +62 82119779818



※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

國際暨兩岸合作處 敬上
Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation