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【轉知】臺灣與東南亞暨南亞大學校長論壇共同研究線上發表,歡迎報名參加/SATU - JRS Webinar

發布日期 2021-03-04 11:22:00

【轉知】臺灣與東南亞暨南亞大學校長論壇共同研究線上發表,歡迎報名參加/SATU - JRS Webinar


SATU Presidents’ Forum proudly presents a Joint Research Scheme (JRS) Webinar on
The Living Experience under COVID-19 Pandemic among Mental Health Service Users, Caregivers and Health Service Workers

Date: 18 March 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT+8)
Medium: Cisco Webex Meetings

HERE to register online:
*Registration is required, as confirmation email with Cisco Webex Meetings will be sent to participants.
Dr. Huai-Hsuan Tseng
Deputy Director
International Medical Center, National Cheng Kung University Hospital
Dr. Gina Anindyajati
Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital & Dept. of Psychiatry
Universitas Indonesia
Prof. Ricky Wenkuei Chuang
Associate Vice President for International Affairs, National Cheng Kung University
Brief Introduction
The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) appeared in December 2019. The World Health Organization declared the outbreak of a pandemic in March 2020. As at late February 2021, it had affected more than 113 million individuals with the total number of deaths have reached 2.5 million. The pandemic has hugely disrupted the world socially and economically, and it has caused a substantial impact on mental health globally. This study aimed to investigate the attitudes and behaviors of mental health service users, caregivers and health service workers from selected Asia-Pacific countries, mainly Taiwan and Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross sectional study has been conducted in National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Taiwan and University of Indonesia, Indonesia. Data was collected through an online questionnaire which includes items assessing awareness and response to the epidemic situation, interpersonal support, physical and mental health, life shock of the epidemic situation, resources possessed, sources of information, mood and anxiety status, and sociodemographic and clinical data. Currently, our preliminary results showed that the level of worrying towards pandemic is still prominent, but the ease of access and satisfaction towards mental health care may have returned to pre-COVID-19 pandemic level in medical centers in both Indonesia and Taiwan. COVID-19 pandemic have changed the usual mental health service delivery in Indonesia, but not as prominent in Taiwan. For mental health service users, caregivers and health professionals, this brought challenges due to reduced duration for treatment and may lead to less satisfying experience. Furthermore, the psychological well-being in mental health workers is a hidden critical concern in a long run. The psychological well-being of health care workers, even mental health professionals, should also be promoted when the pandemic lasts longer than expected.
SATU Presidents’ Forum International Secretariat
satu@email.ncku.edu.tw  +886-6-2099250
More about the Webinar:
About Joint Research Scheme (JRS):
(the 2021 round will be open for PI’s and Co-PI’s application on 10 March and 8 April 2021 respectively)
About the SATU Presidents’Forum
SATU, or the Presidents’Forum of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities, was founded in 2003 by Presidents of various prestigious universities in Southeast Asia, with an aim to improve higher education and international cooperation in the region through sharing of valuable experience and facilitating exchange at different levels including students, faculties and administrative staff.


公告單位:國際暨兩岸合作處 國際合作交流組
Section of International Exchange, Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation
公告人  :謝淑如 Ms. Hsieh (07)3426031分機2613